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gen. appearingly; a pound to a penny; by all appearances; from all appearances; in all appearances; all seeming; apparently (Nattie); look set to (какое-то действие в будущем qwarty); in all probability (Азери); quite likely (однако указанные сведения, по всей видимости, соответствуют/не соответствуют действительности = this, however, is quite likely/unlikely to be the case Alexander Demidov); it appears that (russiangirl); appear to be (Rori); it seems like (It seems like you decided against going to the dentist today. Val_Ships); by far the most (t330); by the looks of it (4uzhoj); seem to (MichaelBurov); to all appearances (Vadim Rouminsky); by all accounts and appearances (Ремедиос_П); by all accounts and purposes (Ремедиос_П); seem (Min$draV); morally; likely (Tanya Gesse); by far the most (Proteins are by far the most complex chemical compounds. – Белки, по всей видимости, являются самыми сложными химическими... t330)
Игорь Миг most likely; overwhelmingly likely; it is rather obvious; as likely as not
adv. in all appearance; in all likelihood
inf. from the look of it (Anglophile)
law semble (that; сравните с sembler (= to seem/appear [to be]) во франц.: Ce résultat me semble juste. This result seems fair to me. Alex Lilo)
Makarov. outward seeming; outward seeming
progr. presumably (ssn)
по всей видимости: 17 phrases in 6 subjects