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verb | verb | to phrases
почитать vstresses
gen. read; revere; regard (Tracer); compt; deem; look on; look upon; notice; reckon (чем-л.); tender; respect; worship; favor; honor; honour; hallow; reverence; do homage; hold in reverence; venerate; hold in reverence (кого-либо); regard with reverence (кого-либо); set by; pay homage (Aly19); cherish (Notburga); feel reverence for (кого-либо); like; hold secret; idolize; consider; have respect (to)
Gruzovik read for a while; esteem; hold sacred
Игорь Миг treasure
adv. hold in esteem
context. peruse (But a retweet might not have got the attention of Academy voters, many of whom are still in the habit of perusing the newspaper after a brisk walk to the end of the driveway in Beverly Hills. nytimes.com)
fig. fetishise (Andrey Truhachev); fetishize (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf. read through
Gruzovik, obs. think (impf of почесть)
idiom. put on a pedestal (VLZ_58); place on a pedestal (VLZ_58)
inf. read (a book, article, etc.); give something a read (give (smth) a good/thorough/ read – внимательно почитать Баян)
IT number
Makarov. confer an honour on; feel reverence; have respect for (someone – кого-либо); hold in veneration (кого-либо, что-либо); regard with reverence
obs. accompt; addeem; read (for a while); think; account
relig. fear; acknowledge; fear of God; adore; deify; divinify
sl., drug. get stoned (Andrey Truhachev)
почитаться v
gen. be reputed; be venerated (his spiritual director when he had studied at his monastery as a young man and was now venerated by all as an oracle, owing to his wisdom and his grey hair. Alexander Demidov); deem; pass for (чем-л.)
Игорь Миг be well regarded
Gruzovik, obs. be thought (impf of почесться); be regarded as (impf of почесться); be considered (impf of почесться)
math. be respected
obs. be considered; be regarded (as); be thought (reverso.net); consider; think; addeem
почитай v
amer. all but (very nearly: the subject was all but forgotten Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, inf. very likely; it seems
inf. probably; nigh on (в смысле "считай что", "почти" Anglophile); almost (Anglophile)
Makarov., obs. almost (нареч. почти)
почитающий prtc.
relig. fearing; honoring
почитать за кого-либо, что-либо -обыкн. to list as somebody or something, to list among somebody or something v
gen. list (Vadim Rouminsky)
почитай FAQ v
IT, abbr. Read the FAQ
: 62 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Information technology1
Obsolete / dated4
Uncommon / rare6