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verb | verb | to phrases
потянуть vstresses
gen. pull; pull at (пить из бутылки); give a pluck at (за что-либо); give a pull; give a pluck at (дёрнуть, за что-либо); shoulder (Irina Verbitskaya); give a tug; delay; drag out; drawl; extort (from); prolong; protract; squeeze (out of); stretch; attract; blow gently; draw out; draw up; extract (from); haul; lay; long (for); make go; press; pull out; suck in; take in; tug; waft; weigh; draw; put off; be drawn (towards); be tight; begin to pull (at); force to go; tow; strain (He strained a muscle in his leg. VLZ_58); handle (мне кажется, он не потянет - I don't think he can handle [it] Tanya Gesse)
Gruzovik begin to pull; tug at; attract (pf of тянуть); draw (pf of тянуть); drag (pf of тянуть); force to go (pf of тянуть); make go (pf of тянуть); be drawn towards (pf of тянуть); long for (pf of тянуть); draw out (pf of тянуть); pull out (pf of тянуть); lay (pf of тянуть); blow gently (pf of тянуть); waft (pf of тянуть); draw up (pf of тянуть); suck in (pf of тянуть); take in (pf of тянуть); weigh intrans (pf of тянуть); be tight (pf of тянуть); press (pf of тянуть)
inf. cope (with something / что-либо Юрий Гомон); drag; sprain (a muscle / мышцу Юрий Гомон); afford (Юрий Гомон); manage (Юрий Гомон)
Makarov. pull in
tech. pull down
потянуться v
gen. reach out (за чем-либо); give a stretch; stretch (Vitalique); stretch out (после сна Pickman)
Gruzovik stretch oneself (pf of потягиваться, тянуться)
Makarov. reach for (за чем-либо)
потянет v
inf. it'll do (Abysslooker); good enough (Abysslooker)
: 117 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Computing slang1
Humorous / Jocular1
Information technology1
Office equipment1
Scottish usage1