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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
потрясающий adj.stresses
gen. shocking; parlous; appalling; startling; fabulous; bang-on; crashing; foudroyant; resounding; socko; zingy; rattling; rattling good; breath-taking (Andrei Sedliarou); staggering (Our hotel room offered a staggering view of the mountains. — Из нашего номера в отеле открывался потрясающий вид на горы. Anglophile); awesome (Aly19); sublime (Aly19); striking (Юрий Гомон); breathtaking (Юрий Гомон); bang on; eye popping; peachy keen; super duper; overwhelming (ssn); prodigious; ultimate (alemaster); eyepopping (varazs); intimidating (MichaelBurov); killing; gee-whizz; stunning (dmipec); great; dreamy (informal – Delightful; gorgeous. Bullfinch); implausible (Sergei Aprelikov); fascinating (a fascinating story – потрясающий рассказ TarasZ); electrifying (Ремедиос_П); brilliant (suburbian); astonishing (ошеломительный, поразительный Alex_Odeychuk); numbing (PanKotskiy); dope (Taras); covetable (Kastorka); exquisite (Побеdа); concussive; phenomenal (sankozh)
Gruzovik stupendous
Игорь Миг shizit; cool; mindbending; dizzying; head-spinning; bewildering; gee-whiz; earth-shattering
adv. Vibrant (whitehall)
amer. like a million dollars (igisheva); unsurpassed (unsurpassed view of the mountain gange Val_Ships); groovy (an old slang colloquialism, synonymous with words such as "cool", "excellent" or "amazing" Val_Ships); fantabulous (Anglophile)
amer., slang peachy-keen; crazy
emph. hell of a; amazing; fabular; fantastic; fantastical; earthshaking
fig.of.sp. mind-bending (MichaelBurov); mind-boggling (MichaelBurov)
inet. awsm (pryanik)
inf. corking; rousing; blockbusting; eye-popping; super-duper; smashing; trimming; terrific; smash; mind-boggling (PAYX); beautific (DC); beautificent (DC); stonking (Horace); iconic (Taras); gobsmacking (Clepa); jaw-dropping (Andrey Truhachev); off the chart (Taras); monumental: (Даниил84); epic (Moscowtran); incredible; formidable (SirReal); dandy (VLZ_58); marvelous
irish.lang. loola (Lana Falcon)
jarg. ripping; luscious
Makarov. devastating; tremendous; impactive
math. brandishing
rhetor. astounding (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang fab; sock; out of sight; reezy (Mirabella76); blinding (Beforeyouaccuseme); nailing; mean; gee whiz; wizard; fab fabulous; sickening (особенно распространено среди травести NGGM); pimp ass (Taras); pimp-ass (Taras); mind-blowing; murder; out of this world; peachy; righteous; sockeroo; tearing
vulg. gobsmaked
потрясать v
gen. stun; brandish (with instr., a weapon); bemuse; confound; dismay; jolt; thrill (TarasZ); shake; overwhelm; joggle; knock; stagger; shock; concuss; convulse; appall; electrify; appal; gobsmack (Taras); bedazzle (Taras); wow (Sergei Aprelikov); wield (оружием и т. п.: She started speaking of him as if he was a beturbaned, bazooka-wielding member of the Islamic State. Abysslooker); dodder; move; unsettle; warp
Игорь Миг bowl over
austral., slang rock (someone – кого-либо)
fig. amaze; astound; tempest
fig.of.sp. Flabbergast (Rust71)
Gruzovik, fig. shake (impf of потрясти); astound (impf of потрясти); amaze (impf of потрясти)
idiom. hit like a ton of bricks (Taras); blow someone's socks off (Taras); knock someone's socks off (Taras); knock the socks off (Taras); blow the socks off (Taras)
inf. throw
Makarov. knock out; shake up; pull up
obs. conquassate
slang hit (someone)
slang, Makarov. snow
telecom. rock (oleg.vigodsky)
потрясаться v
gen. shake; unsettle; rock
Gruzovik shake; rock intrans (impf of потрястись)
fig. go to pieces; totter; be rocked; be shaken up
Gruzovik, fig. go to pieces (impf of потрястись); totter (impf of потрястись); be shaken up; be rocked (impf of потрястись)
потрясающее adj.
gen. gaping stock; sneezer; instant classic (Mira_G); endsville
потрясая v
gen. joggle
сокр. от fabulous потрясающий adj.
inf. fab
потрясая v
obs. shoggle
потрясающе adj.
inf. blown away (The Aurora came out to play last night :) First time seeing the Aurora. Blown away! ART Vancouver)
of потрясающий adj.
slang father and mother
: 230 phrases in 26 subjects
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British usage, not spelling1
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Quotes and aphorisms1