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поступившие в продажуstresses
Makarov. for sale
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gen. arrive (Chafer Beetle Nematodes Have Arrived! – поступили в продажу ART Vancouver); hit the market (ЛВ); hit the shelves (segu); come in the market (Franka_LV); go on sale (Tickets will go on sale exactly one month from today. – Билеты поступят в продажу ровно через месяц. • There are long lineups of bleary-eyed shoppers across the U.S. as the new iPhone goes on sale today. ART Vancouver); come into the market; become available (for sale, on the market, etc. 4uzhoj); come in retail (wisegirl); be for sale; be on sale
adv. come into market
busin. be available for orders (Alex_Odeychuk)
econ. will be available for orders (Alex_Odeychuk)
inf. hit the shops (Victorian); hit shelves (т.е. попасть на полки магазинов: A next generation of headsets which takes into account lessons from the current generation should take at least two years to hit shelves. 4uzhoj)
media. be put on the market (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); hit shop shelves (4uzhoj)
O&G come on stream (MichaelBurov)
поступит в продажу
libr. will be available
поступило в продажу
polym. on sale
поступил в продажу
quot.aph. is immediately available (говоря о товаре Alex_Odeychuk)
поступившие в продажу
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Mass media1