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gen. Stop!
inf. spending the night
| ещё
gen. as early as
| минутку
gen. just a minute
| минуточку
gen. just a minute
| маленькую
gen. elvish
| минуточку
gen. just a minute
| постойте
inf. spending the night

to phrases
постоять vstresses
gen. stay for a while; wait for a while; stand for a while; park a while (в машине: Let him park a while and think it over. 4uzhoj); stand (for a while); stand up for (with за + acc.)
Gruzovik stand for a while; stay for a while; wait for a while; stand up for; intercede for
постойте v
gen. let me see; stop a moment; hold up there (College graduate: "...ummm hold up there Mr. Recruiter. You say if I have 4 yrs of college then I can come in as an E4? Three enlisted ranks higher than those coming in with no college?" 4uzhoj)
busin. hold on
inf. wait a minute! (междометие witness)
постойте! v
gen. I say!; wait a minute!; stop!
постойте-ка v
gen. hold on (вводная фраза bookworm)
Постой! v
Gruzovik Stop!
постой v
inf. spending the night
постойте: 78 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1