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постарайтесь! vstresses
gen. do your best!
amer. make sure (Val_Ships)
постараться v
gen. try; endeavor; study; take pains; be at the pains; make an effort; do one's best to (+ infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: Я постараюсь = I'll do my best to have samples of all 6 wines for you tomorrow!); apply oneself (Maria Klavdieva); do one proud (обильно или щедро угощать кого-либо); do one's best (Alexander Demidov); make sure (что-то сделать; частичное соответствие yhw); raise one's game (Nata Shkoda); go out of one's way to (ZolVas); be sure to do something (что-то сделать z484z); put in one's best licks; make a point (So, because we went to school together I'll think of something to tell him and you, Captain, will make a point of finding out what's going on and putting a stop to it. aithene); step up one's game (для достижения хорошего результата: I have to step up my game if I want to keep the job vogeler); break a sweat (для достижения какой-либо цели: He loaded all five boxes without breaking a sweat vogeler); put one's mind to something (If you put your mind to it, you could have the job finished by noon Taras); set one's mind to something (Taras); break sweat (BrE KKP89); make a push at; go to some trouble; focus on (anyname1); make it count (Zippity)
Gruzovik endeavour (pf of стараться)
bus.styl. make reasonable efforts (we will make reasonable efforts to ... sankozh)
dial. prospect; dig for gold
Gruzovik, dial. prospect for gold (pf of стараться); dig for gold (pf of стараться); prospect (pf of стараться)
Gruzovik, inf. work (pf of стараться)
Gruzovik, obs. show concern for/about (pf of стараться); take trouble about (pf of стараться)
idiom. give it one's best (good for when "one's best shot" is too colloquial Liv Bliss); give it one's best shot ("I don't know how to explain that." "Come on, give it your best shot." – Ну, постарайся. ART Vancouver); take care (Bobrovska); put in the hard yards (To create a profitable farm it is necessary to "put in the hard yards" by clearing the land etc. VLZ_58)
inf. be sure to do something (что-то сделать z484z); bring it on (Technical); bring it (Technical); try and do something (Please try and contact me as soon as you get there. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. exert oneself
math. seek; attempt
O&G, sakh. make a point of doing something (Sakhalin Energy)
obs., inf. show concern (for, about); take trouble (about)
постарайся! v
gen. come along!
inf. give it all you've got (Damirules)
"постараться" v
gen. do a job on (sb., sth., в чём-л.)
: 189 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Humorous / Jocular1