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gen. double up!
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 людей насмешить
gen. lay oneself open to ridicule

to phrases
поспешить vstresses
gen. hasten (to); bucket; scurry; scuttle; spur; make haste; get a jerk on; hurry over (с чем-либо); make time; take the ball before the bound; catch the ball before the bound; of a watch to be fast; alight from a horse; get a move on (with); hurry up (with); hop to it; race against the clock; be in a hurry (kee46); hurry up with; get a move on (with); keep it quick (Alex_Odeychuk); step on the gas (Taras); hurry; rush; be fast (of a timepiece)
Gruzovik hurry
amer. make time out
idiom. jump the gun (ART Vancouver)
inf. get a move on; get ahead of one's self (Ваня.В); act rashly (Aprilen)
inf., brit. get one's skates on (Bargain hunters had better get their skates on – the best properties are selling fast. 4uzhoj); put one's skates on (If you don't put your skates on, you'll be late for work. • Timmy, put your skates on, or we'll be late to the party!)
invect. get the lead out of one's pants ass
Makarov. get a jerk on (с чем-либо); hurry over
slang get a wiggle move; hustle; hump on; haul tits (Fructo)
поспеши! v
gen. come on
slang get a wiggle on! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
поспешите v
gen. make haste do; look sharp
поспеши v
invect. get the lead out of your ass
поспешите! v
gen. double up!
поспешить: 105 phrases in 11 subjects
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