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послушать vstresses
gen. have a listen (I had a listen to that new CD in the car. VLZ_58); listen; give it a listen (e.g., I recommend the song, you should give it a listen НЁХ); hear; attend (lectures, etc); listen (to); obey; take to heart (кого-либо, чьего-либо совета: I wish my friends would take that to heart. • Jack took his father's advice to heart. 4uzhoj); have a listen (I had a listen to that new CD in the car. VLZ_58)
idiom. lend ears (Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, and I'll try not to sing out of key With a Little Help from My Friends, The Beatles VLZ_58)
Makarov. listen to
послушайте! v
gen. look; listen here!; now then!; listen!; I say!; see here!; you there!
Makarov. I say!, say! (оклик или восклицание, рассчитанные на привлечение внимания собеседника)
slang check this (Secretary)
послушайте v
gen. I say!; look here; you-hoo; you hoo; take a listen (Taras); listen to me (послушайте-ка, мистер! – listen to me, mister! Taras); now
послушай! v
gen. look here; Listen to me! (Andrey Truhachev); here (восклицание); listen here!; listen up! (Oleg Sollogub); you there!
послушайте v
gen. say
amer. see here
послушай! v
amer. see here!
inf. word up! (Listen up! VLZ_58); I say!
послушаться v
gen. obey; hold by (совета); yield obedience; comply; take to heart (чьего-либо совета: Jack took his father's advice to heart. 4uzhoj); heed (advice); law of a case to be heard
Gruzovik listen to (pf of слушаться)
послушай v
gen. look (в начале предложения в качестве попытки убеждения или обращения внимания собеседника на слова говорящего); you hoo; I tell you what (scherfas); I say!; you-hoo; listen (suburbian)
inf. now really (-те "How much do you weigh?' 'Now really,' the mother says, 'those are personal questions and are really none of your business." VLZ_58)
Послушай v
gen. I mean to say (used to emphasize what you are saying:

I mean to say, you should have known how he would react! Bullfinch)

: 122 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Quotes and aphorisms2
Uncommon / rare1