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посаженный в тюрьмуstresses
obs. quodded
slang ill
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gen. confine; incarcerate; gaol; jug; lock up; mew; clap by the heels; lay by the heels; put behind the bars (Наилюша); put to prison; jail (Taras); coop; nick; put in jail (Can't make it up. A cop pulled over a driver today on West Braodway at Cambie. This guy had an iPad and a cell phone attached with a piece of string to his steering wheel, he was wearing headphones and listening to music while driving his Lexus, the headphones were plugged into the phone, and he didn't even have his driver's licence! I think they should put him in jail. ART Vancouver); immure; prison; take to prison; toll booth
amer., slang can; canner; send up
austral., slang pot
brit. bang up (брит. разг. ssn)
crim.law. put in prison (Andrey Truhachev)
dipl. put into prison
inf. coop up in prison (sixthson); put away (The judge put the criminal away for ten years – Судья приговорил преступника к десяти годам тюрьмы. VLZ_58); put inside (Criminals like that should be put inside for the rest of their lives – Таких преступников надо сажать за решетку на всю жизнь VLZ_58)
jarg., crim. mill
law imprison
Makarov. shut in prison; be in dungeon; be in gaol; be in jail; be in prison; put in dungeon; put in gaol
Makarov., inf., engl. bang up
obs. enmure; incage
obs., Makarov. hole
product. put behind bars (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang shop
посадить кого-либо в тюрьму
gen. put in prison
Makarov. put someone to jail; send someone to jail; put someone in prison; put someone into prison
посаженный в тюрьму
: 28 phrases in 7 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1