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adjective | adverb | to phrases
порядочный adj.stresses
gen. ethical (контекстуальный перевод framboise); honorable (Artjaazz); trustworthy (Artjaazz); mannerly (Artjaazz); worthy (Artjaazz); fair; orderly; decent (that's very decent of you – это очень порядочно с вашей стороны); handsome; respectable (о количестве и т. п.); all-right; clean-living; fairish; sportsmanlike; scrupulous; tidy; all right; decorous; integrous (Баян); of integrity (о человеке Ремедиос_П); so-so; honest; fairly good; utter; out-and-out
Игорь Миг honest; hefty
amer. righteous (Aprilen)
archit. sizable; sizeable (о размере); sizable (о размере)
child. law-abiding (Andrew Goff)
context. good (в т.ч. и в значении "значительный": a good chunk of Abysslooker)
fig. healthy (igisheva); self-respecting (соответствующий своей роли или своему названию igisheva)
formal of good character (""(...) there are eight servants, and all of good character." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. considerable; rather good
Gruzovik, obs. belonging to the well-bred; belonging to the gentry; belonging to the nobility
idiom. salt of the earth (VLZ_58); on the up and up (Американский английский oliversorge)
inf. dead-cush; smart (о размерах и т.п.); stand-up (Tamerlane); regular (Stas-Soleil)
Makarov. goodish; proper
obs. well-bred; gradely
slang clean living; dinkum
порядочно adv.
gen. some; fairish; quite a few; a smartish few; a good many; a fair bit of (о количестве, интенсивности Artjaazz); a great deal of (ssn); quite a bit (VLZ_58); quite a number (Stas-Soleil); grade; moderately; tidily; passably; decently; middlingly
Gruzovik honestly; respectably
Игорь Миг drastically; massively
cliche. a fair amount (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. quite a lot; quite decently; fairly; pretty
inf. pretty well; pretty good (Off we went, straight into 50 km an hour winds. Now I don't normally have a fear of flying, but the fact that my pilot was a young, attractive woman was the only thing that kept me from screaming like, well, a young, attractive woman. We got tossed around pretty good, but managed to circle the steaming volcano a few times before heading back to the airport. – нас порядочно потрепало ART Vancouver); bigly (Val_Ships); quite a while; quite a way; fairly well
: 130 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated2
Quotes and aphorisms1