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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. strike (of a disease); astound; hit (a target); stagger; startle; stupefy; smite; confound; dazzle; impress; invade (о болезни); petrify; shock; surprise; visit; afflict; concuss; daze; strike by (чем-либо); strike with (чем-либо); afflict (о болезни); boggle; clobber; attaint (о болезни); touch; gobsmack (Taras); come on (о болезни); bedazzle (Taras); buffet (cognachennessy); route; convulse (о событии, явлении); dozen; jolt; maze; outdo; defeat (неприятеля); amaze; overwhelm; pick off; pick out (о болезни); kill (восхищать); take; knock my socks off (часто в позитивном смысле; часто в позитивном смысле Valery Popyonov); gravel; take aback (I was taken aback by his appearance – его вид поразил меня Taras); knock; render someone speechless (Andrey Truhachev); rout; knock my socks off (часто в позитивном смысле Valery Popyonov); assault (о чувстве); deject; disaster; dumbfound; dumfound; stun; affect; be striking (with instr., for); pack a punch (The play still packs a punch, as last week’s production proved vogeler); baffle (Sergei Aprelikov); wow (Sergei Aprelikov); harm (A British police officer who was harmed by a nerve agent is now able to talk to people. I. Havkin)
Gruzovik strike (impf of поразить)
Игорь Миг astonish; drop a bombshell; bewilder; leave stunned; leave heads spinning
agric. afflict (напр., болезнью); attack (о болезни); affect (напр., болезнью)
astronaut. engage
austral., slang throw; roll
biol. affect (напр., о болезни)
biotechn. attack
book. slay
energ.ind. shock (напр., электрическим током)
fig. numb; smite (в смысле эмоционального эффекта, впечатления Vadim Rouminsky); scintillate (особ. умом, юмором, остроумием Vadim Rouminsky); petrify (изумлением)
idiom. hit like a ton of bricks (Taras); make one's toes curl (Taras); blow someone's socks off (Taras); knock someone's socks off (Taras); knock the socks off (Taras); blow the socks off (Taras)
inf. flabbergast; leave one speechless (Andrey Truhachev); make speechless (Andrey Truhachev); blow away (These seven-year-old kids blow me away with their spelling abilities. – они меня поражают ART Vancouver)
Makarov. blind; infest (болезнью, вредителями); smite (о болезни, эпидемии и т.п.); visit (о болезни, бедствии); knock galley-west; knock out; strike dumb (кого-либо); pull up
med. damage; disease (о болезни); attack (о болезни tavost); affect (болезнью и т.п.)
mil. gas; make a bird (цель); attack (цель Киселев); kill (Киселев); exterminate; attack (цели); hit
mil., lingo grease (MichaelBurov); grease it in (MichaelBurov); knock out (наносить удар MichaelBurov); knock out (KO MichaelBurov); massage (США; Вьет. MichaelBurov)
nautic. beat
obs. bemuddle; stound
ocean. infect
psychol. impair
slang zonk (mazurov); throw someone for a loop (Interex)
tech. destroy; destruct
uncom. bemuse
vulg. lamp; lay one on
weap. hit (цель ABelonogov)
weap., BrE, slang prang (ABelonogov)
поражаться v
gen. strange; be struck; be amazed; wonder; marvel (I've always marveled at this irony. Young men who rebel against authority and parental control, who commonly hate school, hate memorizing verses and symbols, hate reading history, hate learning new languages, and hate participating in physical education, enjoy doing all these things for their prison gang leaders. 4uzhoj); startle; amaze; destroy; engage; flabbergast; hit; route; stagger; be astonished; be astounded; be flabbergasted; be startled; be surprised; be thunderstruck; defeat; be startled by (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik be amazed; be astonished (impf of поразиться); be surprised (impf of поразиться); be startled (impf of поразиться); be thunderstruck (impf of поразиться); be astounded (impf of поразиться); be flabbergasted (impf of поразиться)
Игорь Миг be blown away
inf. be in for a surprise (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. be dumb; be founded; wonder at
med. afflict; affect; strike
Игорь Миг, context. find it mind-blogging (чему-либо)
поражать: 178 phrases in 25 subjects
Armored vehicles3
Cliche / convention1
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated2
Security systems1
Uncommon / rare1
Weapons and gunsmithing2