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gen. be hit with a barrage of artillery (Marinka, a nearby farming town, was hit with a barrage of artillery for the third day running. 4uzhoj); come under shelling (This village has been coming under shelling since Monday. -- посёлок обстреливается ART Vancouver)
inf. come under fir (Under the leadership of G/Sgt. Kellogg, a small unit from Company G was evacuating a fallen comrade when the unit came under a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior enemy force. 4uzhoj)
mil. come under fire (The U.S. troops came under fire in the town of Marjah while accompanying Afghan special operations forces. // The unit came under a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior enemy force. 4uzhoj); take fire (Bravo Company still was taking heavy fire on the other side of the village. • A minute later the mortar platoon reported that it was also taking artillery fire. 4uzhoj); receive fire (Andrey Truhachev); be fired on (A border crossing point near Marynovka was fired on twice with mortars, also from the Russian side, while Ukrainian forces shot down three Russian drones, Lysenko said. 4uzhoj); come under fires; come under shelling (если речь идёт об артобстреле: We came under shelling about 3km from the Turkish border. • After destroying a considerable number of barges, sea trucks and luggers were forced to crash dive as we came under shelling by a Jap shore battery. 4uzhoj)
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