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попасть в переделкуstresses
gen. be in for it; be in for trouble; get into trouble; in for it; in for trouble; be in a jam; get into mischief; get into hot water (Anglophile); get into a jolly mess (Anglophile); get into a fine mess (Anglophile); run into trouble (makhno); fall among philistines; get into a scrape; get into a terrible fix; get into a fix
Игорь Миг be in the cross hairs
austral., slang come a gutser (упасть с лошади, пострадать в автокатастрофе и т.п.)
idiom. up shits creek (Yeldar Azanbayev); up a creek without a puddle (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. get in a scrape (Svetlana D); in a jam (be in a jam); get in the soup (4uzhoj)
Makarov. get into a mess; get into a pretty mess
slang get into a pretty mess (Верещагин); get into a hot water; get into a jam; in a jam be
попасть в переделку
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects