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попасться на удочкуstresses
gen. fall for (на приманку, чего-л.); be on the end of a line; jump at the bait; rise at the bait; swallow a gudgeon; swallow at the bait; lap up lies; fall for it (Anglophile); get scammed (мошенников: The Better Business Bureau (BBB) says be careful where you donate your hard-earned money after earthquakes and similar disasters, because you could get scammed. ART Vancouver); fall for a scam (аферистов ART Vancouver); jump at the bait (тж. перен.); swallow the bait (тж. перен.); rise to the fly; bait; ensnare (часто pass); rise to the bait; swallow hook, line and sinker (Перен. идиома: ‘What is a good deal more disturbing is that U.S. and international media outlets consistently swallowed the opposition's unlikely claims of certain victory hook, line, and sinker.' lexico.com Evgeny Shamlidi); rise to a bait; rise at a bait
fig. fall into a trap
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. rise to the bait
inf. buy one's spin (к кому-либо ART Vancouver)
Makarov. ensnare (часто pass); fall for the bait; swallow the bait
Makarov., fig. take the bait
slang get got (John is going to get got by those pyramid scheme fruit vendors – he is going to invest his money and receive nothing in return. Alamarime)
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slang swallow
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: 14 phrases in 4 subjects