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gen. occur; come up; get; run into; bite; crop up
Makarov. come way
math. be caught; come across; get
| пальце
gen. toe
м в | небо
dentist. palate
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
попадать vstresses
gen. make one's way into (4uzhoj); hit; find out one's way; reach; tell (в цель); end up (with в + acc., in); fall into (with в + acc., a trap, someone’s clutches, etc.); get caught in (with в or под + acc.); make; be on time for (a train, bus, etc.); be run over (with под + acc., by); be accepted by; come under (with под + acc., suspicion, someone’s influence, etc.); catch it; get (with в or на + acc., to a place); come; fall; find; catch (with на + acc.); become (with в + nom. pl); get it; get through (к адресату); find one's way; strike (во что-либо); get into a place; get to a place; make one's way to (Rainwater filters slowly through the soil, eventually making its way to streams and rivers. ART Vancouver); end up (in – в: Those chemicals include lead, mercury, arsenic and fire retardants, which can end up in our drinking water. ART Vancouver); land; run into (в какое-либо положение); end up in (tfennell); come across; come upon; die; fall many times; fall one after the other (of a number of objects); find oneself (in); perish (one after another); stumble on; get into (в какое-либо состояние, положение); wind up (in); bounce into (In "Lucky Jim", the main character, Jim Dixon, seems to bounce into good jobs. Kaniretake)
econ. fall in (в некоторую категорию и т.п. A.Rezvov)
inf. get a scolding (with dat.); make (напр., в список: The novel has made two more lists Pickman); fall out laughing (со смеху Баян)
law fall (под подозрение)
Makarov. fall (в ловушку и т.п.); fall one after the other (один за другим); fetch up (очутиться); find oneself (очутиться); come within (в какой-либо раздел, категорию); get into a place (куда-либо); get to a place (куда-либо)
Makarov., jarg. make a bird (в цель)
math. fall into; find oneself; get into; hit a target
mil. kill (в цель)
mil., inf. connect (в цель)
mil., jarg. make a bird (в цель)
nano kill
robot. hit (в цель)
SAP.tech. arrive
shipb. gain access (oil gaining access to cooling water of an engine BorisKap)
tech. hit (напр., в цель); fit (контекстное значение: The central core is inserted into the recess of the shell such that the outer flange fits within the oter recess region. I. Havkin)
torped. due under (под статью контракта)
попадаться v
gen. occur; come up (во время поиска denghu); get (into); run into; bite; crop up (Классических "работяг" почти нет, чаще попадаются супруги с высшим образованием.; источник – goo.gl dimock); happen to get (something Shabe); get caught
inf. come across (with dat.)
Makarov. come way (кому-либо на жизненном пути)
math. be caught; come across; get
slang slough
попада́ть v
Gruzovik wind up in; find oneself in; come across; come upon; stumble on
Gruzovik, ballist. strike; hit
попа́дать v
Gruzovik fall one after the other (of a number of objects); die (one after another); perish (one after another); fall many times
попада́ться v
Gruzovik get into; run into
попадавший prtc.
SAP.tech. fallen within
попадать with в + acc. v
gen. hit (of a missile)
попада́ть пальц
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects