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gen. help; assist; avail; befriend; benefit; boot
| кому -либо
gen. put it across
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 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
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gen. help (with dat.); assist; avail; befriend; benefit; boot; redound to; render assistance; favor; favour; forward; minister; promote; serve; support (материально); do somebody good (в знач. "улучшать чье-либо положение"); help on; stand by; stand in; redound; aliment; beet; rally; bear a hand; give a knee; go to the rescue; lend a hand; lend a helping hand; offer a knee; strike a blow for; strike a blow; succour; assist (into, up, across); crutch; oblige; see through; reach out (to Alex Lilo); back; hand (войти в вагон); jog memory (кому-либо); tide over (перенести что-либо); carry through; cocker up; come to the rescue; help through (cnlweb); back up; do good (каму-либо); uphold; stand by (кому-либо, чему-либо); prop; second; administer; encourage; jog (кому-либо); give a helping hand (olga garkovik); rally around (When I'm ill, my friends always rally round. Olga Fomicheva); do somebody good; stand by (кому-либо, чему-либо); do with (to do something with someone; в качестве отговорки: - Whoa, Nance, where you going? – I totally forgot. I told my mom I would, um... I would do something with her. (Я совсем забыла. Я обещала маме, что помогу ей) – Well, what do you mean? The game's about to start. – I'm sorry. – What the hell's wrong with her? Taras); comfort; confer; redress (переносить боль); spell; sted; stedfast; sustain; bring relief; relieve; alimentary (кому-либо); bestead; bonify; stead; render support to (MichaelBurov); speed (кому-либо); work (не помогает – not working: "I had been anemic for over eight years and all I was told to do was to keep taking ferrous sulphate but it was not working." – не помогало ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik aid (impf of помочь); support (impf of помочь); relieve (impf of помочь); bring relief (impf of помочь)
Игорь Миг bolster; give a boost
amer. subvene; run (материально)
book. bestead; advantage
construct. remedy
context. make a difference (the changes failed to make a difference — эти изменения не помогли Olya34)
econ. accommodate; render help; contribute to (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
el. aid; boost
idiom. carry water for (Interex); cry aim (Bobrovska); scratch back (в каком-нибудь деле, за что вас обязательно отблагодарят: I scratch your back, you scratch mine? – Я помогу тебе, а ты поможешь мне? Taras); lend someone a hand (кому-либо Tarija); be in someone's corner (Help them protect their reputation, and they'll be in your corner forever, helping you out in future situations. VLZ_58)
inf. make oneself useful (в чём-либо Andrey Truhachev); bear a bob (Bobrovska); be there for (SirReal)
lat. adiuvo (Lena Nolte)
Makarov. prop up; do someone good (кому-либо); administer to (кому-либо); assist across; assist in; assist into; assist up; assist someone with something (чём-либо; кому-либо); bail someone out (особ. финансами); bolster up; carry through (в трудную минуту); give a knee to (someone); кому-либо); give help; offer a knee to (someone – кому-либо); rally to; redound to (чему-либо); render aid; see through (в беде, в трудную минуту); minister to; stand by (someone – кому-либо); to toilet (кому-либо, обыкн ребёнку, при пользовании туалетом)
math. further; serve to; aid in; contribute to
mech. bring aid; give aid; afford aid; give help (to someone); supply aid
med. facilitate
nautic. bear a hand (напр., выбирать трос)
obs. hold hand; auxiliation; steddy
poetic friend
relig. volunteer; reach (Alex Lilo); succor
rhetor. play a facilitating role in (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
slang straighten (someone)
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