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verb | verb | to phrases
полюбившийся prtc.stresses
gen. well-loved (Green Bay's well-loved piers will be back in action by early fall! Repair work on Appleton and Chesterfield piers is to begin in mid-June. ART Vancouver)
полюбить v
gen. love; take (кого-либо); grow fond of (что-либо; The original title for the language was simply the international language (lingvo internacia), but early speakers grew fond of the name Esperanto and began to use it as the name for the language in 1889. I. Havkin); take a shine to (He took a shine to jazz. VLZ_58); fall in love; cotton; take a fancy; come to love (кого-либо); fix affections upon (кого-либо); get to like (что-либо, кого-либо); grow to like; set affections upon (кого-либо); take a fancy to (кого-либо); take a liking to (кого-либо); give heart to (кого-либо); lose heart to (кого-либо); endear oneself to someone (bigmaxus); grow to love (со временем ladasz); embrace (YOZ); become fond (of); grow fond (of); fall in love with; acquire a taste for (что-либо: We acquired a taste for classical music during our trip to Europe Taras); give one's heart
Игорь Миг take a great fancy to
Gruzovik, inf. like; grow fond of; become fond of
idiom. take to something like a duck to water (только в контексте: I think we can say that Russians have taken to День святого Валентина (aka St. Valentine's Day) like a duck to water. (M. Berdy; example courtesy of Игорь Миг); fix one's affections on (someone – кого-либо Bobrovska)
inf. cotton to ("He was so much fun to have in the company. He had that warm, inviting voice. Audiences just cottoned to him." – Gary Gisselman, quoted in The Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 3 Mar. 2016 VLZ_58); get/go all lovey-dovey (politicians who suddenly go/get all lovey-dovey after criticizing each other for years VLZ_58); warm up to (He warmed up to the idea. – Идея ему понравилась. VLZ_58)
Makarov. fall for (что-либо); give one's heart; take a fancy to someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); take to (кого-либо); fix one's affections upon (someone – кого-либо); set one's affections upon (someone – кого-либо); take a fancy for (кого-либо); come to like; fall in love favour with; come to love
полюбиться v
gen. take the fancy; get under someone's skin (I used to hate the city, but after a while it kind of got under my skin. • The actress accepted the role because the character really got under her skin.)
Gruzovik, inf. catch the fancy of; take a liking to; become attractive to
inf. become attractive (to); catch the fancy (of); take a liking (to); catch the fancy of (with dat.)
Makarov. catch the fancy of (кому-либо); become attractive (to); take the fancy of (someone – кому-либо)
полюбившееся prtc.
austral., slang cup of tea
: 87 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms2