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gen. murder; terminate (чему-л.); put a stop to (smth., чему́-л.); pull the plug on (чьей-либо деятельности joyand); put an end; determine; scotch (чему-либо); settle (разногласиям); stopper (чему-либо); kill off (Ремедиос_П); get closure on (VLZ_58); put paid to (чему-либо); bring an end (to something) 4uzhoj); topple (SirReal); call a halt on / to (Anna 2); put an end; end (Alex_Odeychuk); draw что-либо to a close (YuliaO); kybosh (The Government's abject failure to get the planes flying again will kybosh ambitions to be an open, free-trading economy post-Brexit fluggegecheimen); put an end to (чему-л.); put a period to (чему-л.); bring to a period (чему-л.); put a check to (smth., чему́-л.); do away with; put down one's foot; put one's foot down; set down one's foot; set one's foot down; epilogize (чему-либо); cease (чему-либо); liquidate; put a stopper; put the kibosh on; put the kybosh on; put the tin hat on (чему-либо); set the limit; make an end (чему-л.); paragraph (чему-либо); ring down the curtain (чему-либо); lay something to rest (barabulius); put the stopper on (чему-либо); put the tin lid on (чему-либо); kill something stone dead (чему-то Sonora); sopite; put a lid on (Дмитрий_Р); bring down the curtain on something (Telecaster); call a halt to (чему-либо); cry halt; do away (чему-либо); make an end of (чему-либо); place aside (чему-либо); put an end to something (чему-либо); abolish (чему-либо); bring to a stop (чему-либо); put the kibosh (Rust71)
Игорь Миг zap; stem the tide
adv. place limits; set limits
dipl. set a limit to (чему-либо); terminate (чему-либо); put a halt to (to put a halt to the violence in the region 4uzhoj)
engl., inf. scupper (чему-либо)
fig. stamp out (чему-либо: It is our duty to stamp out any abuses of political power. • More measures are needed to stamp out election fraud. • The Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says Australia's taxation system needs to be fair, and he wants rorts stamped out. • Nearly eight years after her daughter was kicked to death for being a Goth, Sylvia Lancaster OBE is still campaigning to stamp out prejudice and intolerance towards people from alternative subcultures. Moscowtran); stanch (The company's CEO gave the keynote address at the convention, stanching rumors that he was not recovering well from his surgery. "Firefighters watched the smoke and assessed wind patterns, raking dead leaves and branches away from the blaze in hopes of stanching its charge once again." – Alissa Greenberg, The Washington Post, 13 Oct. 2017 VLZ_58); put the lid on
idiom. put someone's foot down (vkhanin); call a halt (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. put paid to (напр, the argument she had with her manager has probably put paid to any hopes of promotion Olga Okuneva); pip; kibosh (‘The Prime minister went on television to kibosh their plans for a second referendum.' lexico.com fluggegecheimen)
Makarov. bring down the curtain on; call a halt something (чему-либо); put a stop to something (чему-либо); put a stopper on (чему-либо); put an end of (чему-либо); put aside (чему-либо); put by (чему-либо); put the tin hat on something (чему-либо); ring on (чему-либо); set aside (чему-либо); settle up (разногласиям); take an end to something (чему-либо); make an end of something (чему-либо); put a period to something (чему-либо); put a term to something (чему-либо); set a term to something (чему-либо); set an end to something (чему-либо); knock something on the head (чему-либо)
Makarov., fig. ring the curtain down (чему-либо)
math. bring to an end
media. place the limit
oil put a stop to
slang do away with (The city authority decided to do away with overhead wires. == Городские власти решили покончить с висящими над головами проводами. (Провода было решено пустить под землёй.)); kill
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gen. put a stop to
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: 122 phrases in 14 subjects
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Foreign policy1
Mass media8
Security systems1
United Nations2