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gen. full; absolute; perfect; stout; chubby; thorough
| магнитный поток
 магнитный поток
tech. magnetic flow
| пронизывающий
gen. cutting
| электрический контур
 электрический контур
phys. loop
| Напр
tech. exempli gratia
| потокосцепление
gen. linkage
| многовитковой катушки
 многовитковая катушка
tech. multiturn coil
| индуктивности
tech. coefficient of induction
| равно сумме
 равная сумма
gen. like sum
| потоков
oil stream oriented
| через все
 через всю
inf. all across
| ее
gen. hers
| витки
gen. convolution
| Единица измерения
 единица измерения
comp., MS measurement unit
| Вб
gen. WB
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
полный adj.stresses
gen. full; absolute; perfect; stout; chubby; thorough; total; entire; all-out; blanket; abysmal; flush (до краёв – о реке); utter; plenary; plump; rich; overall; implicit; integral; blank; bouncing; clear; corpulent; crowded; dead (dead silence – полная тишина); dire; direct; fubsy; outright; plum; portly; profound; rotund; round; teetotal; unabridged; uncut (о тексте и т. п.); integrate; in flesh; fat (толстый); instinct (жизни); allout; charged; cover-to-cover (о чтении, реферировании); down-the-line; full-blast; full-bodied; hundred-per-cent; lumping; out-and-out; overendowed (чего-либо); pudsy; roly-poly; straight-out; thorough-paced; unabbreviated; uncurtailed; well-lined (о животе); well-rounded; alive (чего-либо); crass; fatty; obese; pursy; self-contained; whole; all-round; ample; broad; chub; decisive; declared; full-blown; full-fledged; fully-fledged; hole; honest-to-God; honest-to-goodness; overblown; radical; roundabout; vera; very; plein, -e (pieps); overweight (о человеке, животном Charikova); gorbellied (о человеке rubbysun); intact (Notburga); sound (Notburga); plus size (при выборе одежды Franka_LV); unexpurgated (Anglophile); unquestioning (Aly19); all around; all round; chock a block; cover to cover; down the line; full blast; full bodied; full fledged; full length; fully fledged; honest to god; honest to goodness; hundred per cent; out and out; roly poly; self contained; straight out; thorough paced; well lined; well padded; well rounded; consummate; rife (чего-либо); thick with (чего-либо); replete (чего-либо); lush (alaudo); rounded (Maria Klavdieva); all; exact; plump and rounded; rich in details; well fleshed (о человеке); egregious (Taras); comprehensive; clean; well-stocked (о холодильнике z484z); fattish (scherfas); full and complete (ssn); wall-to-wall (The beach was wall-to-wall with sunbathers. VLZ_58); fully-featured (Alex_Odeychuk); -laden (vogeler); accomplished (Vadim Rouminsky); stark (о чуши, несуразице и т.п.: stark nonsense); full of (Супру); base; all inclusive (Alexander Demidov); limiting (напр., о перечне; this list is not limiting I. Havkin); big with (чего-л.); consummated; flowing; fraught; full-sailed; full-summed; plumpy; podgy; pudgy (comment and example provided by ART Vancouver: slightly fat (Oxford Dictionary): Meanwhile, the killer, pudgy 25-year-old Mark Chapman, stood quietly at the scene. dailymail.co.uk); squab; squabby; one hundred percent; as a whole (Johnny Bravo)
Игорь Миг sweeping (victory); replete with
abbr. f
aerohydr. generalized
agric. butty (о структуре кожи)
auto. gross
book. orbicular
bot. double
brit. well covered (VLZ_58)
comp. full featured; full size
comp., MS fully qualified (Pertaining to a name, identifier, etc., that is unique. For example, the fully qualified name of an interface member consists of the name of the interface in which the member is declared, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the member)
comp., net. end-to-edge (напр., end-to-edge access – полный доступ, в противоположность end-to-end – ограниченный dragster)
dial. bonny
dipl. overwhelming
dril. aggregate
econ. comprehensive (всесторонний)
el. complete (напр. о системе функций); self-contained (напр. о системе)
emph. downright; stone-
euph. horizontally challenged (политкорректный термин для обозначения людей, страдающих избыточным весом igisheva)
fig. wholesale; full-on (igisheva); gorged
fig., idiom. dyed-in-the-wool (bigmaxus)
forestr. fully stocked
humor. plenitudinous; well-padded
idiom. big fat (Complete, utter, total. Interex); darn tootin' (Interex); filled to the brim (Solidboss); fraught with (чего-либо; обычно в краткой форме: "полон", "полна": It is a path fraught with danger. 4uzhoj)
inf. lousy (with; чего-либо); gravid; solid; swollen (карман денег arturmoz); bulky (о человеке Val_Ships); straight-up-and-down (That's straight-up-and-down bullshit! He's a  straight-up-and-down idiot! Wakeful dormouse); a load of (о чуши т. п.: a load of bullshit • a load of total hooey • a load of baloney 4uzhoj); teatotal
IT exhaustive; definitive; fully qualified (Microsoft explanation: Pertaining to a name, identifier, etc., that is unique. For example, the fully qualified name of an interface member consists of the name of the interface in which the member is declared, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the member. Featus)
jarg. horizontally oriented (Alexander Matytsin)
libr. inclusive; non-selective; in full
Makarov. alert (with; чего-либо); all-embracing; all-up; deep; diametric (о противоположности); diametrical (о противоположности); fleshly; fleshy; full-width; omnibus; plain; resulting; rich (о рифме); sheer; thoroughgoing; unabridged (о литературном произведении и т.п.); all-around; accomplished
math. general; high; integrated; everywhere defined
math., logic diametrical
media. composite (напр., видеосигнал, содержащий синхроимпульсы); net
mil. detailed
mil., arm.veh. over-all
mil., tech. disposable (о грузоподъёмности); flowing (до краёв); flush (до краёв)
nautic. deliberate; chubby (об обводах корпуса корабля)
nautic., inf. chock-a-block
navig. flush
O&G, tengiz. overall (inspection)
obs. compleat; acatalectic (преимущественно о стихах, в которых все стопы); findy; increaseful; indefective; intire; perfectional; squabbish
obs., inf. crummy (о женщине)
patents. complete; completely; wholly
polit. arrant (bigmaxus); blatant (bigmaxus); hardcore (bigmaxus); hardened (bigmaxus); hopeless (bigmaxus); inveterate (bigmaxus); paid-up (bigmaxus)
polym. full-scale
progr. end-to-end (Alex_Odeychuk)
R&D. non-surrogate (напр., о методе igisheva)
railw. thick
rhetor. extreme (Alex_Odeychuk)
scottish sonsy (преим. о женщине)
slang all out; damn darn; fulsome; jampacked (заполненный Interex)
tech. nonselective
theatre. unabridged (несокращённый; о лит. произведении)
tib. zin pa
TV composite
uncom. essential
vulg. damn; dang; shit; tomtit
полная adj.
gen. pure democracy; matron like; matronal; matronly; full figured (Moscowtran); comprehensive metabolic panel (объёмная) метаболическая панель (тестов labtestsonline.org twinkie); against all risks (страховка); open peril insurance (страховка)
inf. crummy
tech. gross (мощность)
vulg. crummy (о женщине)
полное adj.
gen. gross (давление)
construct. total incineration (сжигание)
obs. groce (давление)
в сложных словах с греч. корнями полный adj.
gen. holo-
полные adj.
gen. full (губы Lanita2)
AI-полный adj.
IT AI-complete (о классе не поддающихся полной компьютеризации задач теории искусственного интеллекта)
по́лно adv.
obs. come, come ("You – you insult me, Mr. Holmes." "Come, come, madam, it is useless. Give up the letter." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
полный: adj.
gen. load
полнее adj.
gen. better
полно adv.
gen. in depth
подражание произношению негров из южных штатов полный adj.
vulg. sheet
полный магнитный поток: 4 phrases in 1 subject