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полная неразберихаstresses
gen. omnishambles (неологизм 2012 года по мнению составителей Оксфордского словаря bojana); imbroglio (an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation Val_Ships)
avia. fouled up beyond all recognition (в результате происшествия)
inf. real mess (The four-car crash on the Knight St Bridge is making a real mess of things. – создалась полная неразбериха ART Vancouver); absolute mess (The traffic on the Lions Gate was an absolute mess this morning as thousands of commuters got stuck in another Save Old Growth protest. ART Vancouver)
mil., lingo Joint Army Navy foul-up (MichaelBurov)
relig. Babel
полный неразберихи
gen. crazy (контекстуально: Raise your hand if your days have become even more crazy & busy since the start of this pandemic vlad-and-slav)
полная неразбериха
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects