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полицейский nstresses
gen. copper; policeman; blue coat; police constable; police officer; pandoor; zaptieh (в Турции); raw unboiled lobster; legman (напр., делающий поквартирный обход, занимающийся сбором данных и т.п. Anglophile); man (ABelonogov); blue (США ivp); beetle crusher; pc plod (Англия, просторечие, пренебрежительно, предполагая медлительность и тупость (Wiktionary) scherfas); officer of the law (Taras); man in uniform (Taras); alguazil (в Испании); bailiff's follower; catchpoll; a police officer; trooper; filth (сл. gennady shevchenko)
amer. shommus (Anglophile); law-and-order guy (Val_Ships); Johnny Law (colloquial reference to law-enforcement officers Taras); fuzzball (a derogatory term for a police officer Taras); copper (в США; slang; a police officer Val_Ships); cop (в США; slang; a police officer Val_Ships); po-po (a police officer Taras); lawman (шериф, адвокат и т. п.; someone (such as a sheriff or marshal) whose job is to make sure that people obey the law Taras); muldoon (US, later use US black, a police officer; a typical Irish name; US police were stereotypically Irish Taras); police (разг.: He is police Taras); black-and-white (Taras); uni (в форме; short for "uniform policeman" Taras)
amer., slang flat-foot
amer., Spain, jarg. the claw
austral., hist. trap (особ. конный)
austral., inf. walloper (от wallop – бить, избивать, наносить мощные удары)
austral., slang jack
brit. uniform (часто пренебрежительно употребляется следователями/детективами ad_notam); plod (alexs2011)
contempt. bacon (Coroner_xd)
inf. the law; Bob; Dob; Dobbin; Rob; Robbie; Robin; bogie; crusher; blue boy; bogey (MichaelBurov); cop; serpico (Francesco Vincent Serpico (born April 14, 1936) is a former American New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who holds both American and Italian citizenship. He is known for whistleblowing on police corruption in the late 1960s and early 1970s, an act that prompted Mayor John V. Lindsay to appoint the landmark Knapp Commission to investigate the NYPD Taras)
irish.lang. gardai (Gardai Ensuring water meters are fitted in Edenmore shapker)
jamaic.eng. beast (isouljah)
jarg. heat (Coroner_xd); flatfoot (a police officer, especially a foot patrol officer. (Older.): Please, that old flatfoot will never be able to catch up to us once we run out of the store. • There’s a flatty on the corner. Go ask him for some help. Alexander Oshis)
law peace officer; police servant; policial
law, amer. law enforcer (патрульный)
Makarov. man in blue; officer (часто как обращение к полицейскому)
mil., lingo hobo (MichaelBurov); pig (MichaelBurov)
notar. policeman (as a noun); police officer (as a noun)
police law enforcement officer; boy in blue (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
sec.sys. constable (в Великобритании); man in uniform; officer of police
sec.sys., jarg. bizzy; bobby
slang long-arm; badge bandit; big John; bogie bogy; fuzzy=le; goms; harness boll; John Law; oink; Peter Jay; potsy; Uncle nab; slop about; Old Bill (британский сленг Прохор); the Bill (британский сленг, сокращение от "the Old Bill" Прохор); five-o (амер. marastork); sharmus (Anglophile); five oh (mikhail_dutikov); hog (Who called the hogs? Кто вызвал полицейских? Interex); mallet (Interex); nabber (Interex); nail-em-and-jail-em (Interex); Sam and Dave (Interex); grasshopper (He got nabbed by the grasshoppers. Его задержали/арестовали полицейские. Interex); bottle (Blimey – I think the bottles are on to me! Interex); Johnny Low (grafleonov); statie (state trooper – сотрудник полиции штата Damirules); shamus (особенно детектив или частный детектив); cowboy; gimpy (Gimpy has been around asking about you. Полицейский крутился здесь спрашивал про тебя. Interex); Barney (оскорбительное слово, от Barney Fife collegia)
slang, explan. bear (4uzhoj)
slang, Makarov. peeler
USA police officer (Alexander Matytsin)
vulg. four-nine-three-eleven (4-9-3-11, по номерам букв в алфавите)
полицейские n
gen. police (употр. с гл. во мн. ч.); finest; the boys in blue; the gentlemen in blue; the men in blue; the police; men in uniform (Taras); gardai (мн. ч. от garda, с гэльского языка в Ирландии; см. также garda wiktionary.org Nityasri)
amer. black-and-whites (Taras)
inf. blue (CHARiZMA)
jarg. smokies (chacha.com Deska)
law members of police (vleonilh)
Makarov. boys in blue; gentlemen in blue; men in blue
mil., inf. coppers
police.jarg. unis (от uniformed police officers, uniforms; Am.E. Taras)
slang spoc (cops наоборот Franka_LV); Blue Meanies (сленг хиппи collegia); city kitties (collegia)
"полицейский" n
hockey. goon (VLZ_58); enforcer (VLZ_58); cudgeler (Today, though, many of the game's legendary cudgelers are retired. Others are pushing 40. VLZ_58)
военный полицейский n
mil., inf. trouble shooter; cop
Полицейский n
gen. Musker (у цыган; Gipsy word for cops. Usually meant in derogatory form. (That fucking musker searched my house!) Kika_16)
употр. с глаголом во мн.ч. полицейские n
ironic. finest (the finest)
полицейский adj.
gen. police; constable; bull; constabulary; jemadar; officer; peon; Robert; law; bluecoat; pandour; shamus; zaptiah (в Турции); ranger; flattie
amer., jarg. roller
amer., slang snatcher
fr. flic
hist., slang Miltonian
inf. bluebottle; bogy
lit. procedural (о произведении: романе, пьесе, сценарии, фильме и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
obs. runner
police flatfoot (рядового состава; US slang for a police officer Val_Ships)
slang speed-cop; beetle-crusher; slop; cozzpot; flatty; azul; badge; bluebird; claw; collar; cookie-cutter cooky-cutter; cow-boy; elbow; finger; fink; flat-head; flattle; fuzz; fuzzy; geerus; headbeater; John; Johnny-be-good; leatherhead; min; mug; mugg; mulligan; nab; occifer; ossifer; paddy; patty; peel; penny; potsie; pottsy; pounder; roach; shammus (особенно детектив или частный детектив); shamos (особенно детектив или частный детектив); shomimus (особенно детектив или частный детектив); skull-buster; slewfoot; slough; snake; squadrol; tin; tin-badge; trap; uzz-fay; Johny; rozzer (Британский сленг ptyashka)
полицейская adj.
gen. police (Самая сексуальная полицейская Киева станцевала на столе | РИА ... She's a good police but the feminist-policewoman-stereotype give her no chance to prove her ability. Alexander Demidov)
полицейский с радаром
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