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политический обозревательstresses
gen. political analyst; political commentator (Irina Verbitskaya)
inet. political blogger (ведущий интернет-дневник Alex_Odeychuk)
journ. political contributor (Abberline_Arrol)
law political observer
media. policy analyst (Alex_Odeychuk); political pundit (ART Vancouver)
polit. Op-Ed pundit (Nation Alex_Odeychuk)
TV panelist (тж. см. pundit Taras)
политические обозреватели
coll. commentariat (употр с гл. во мн.: Such activity comes at an inauspicious time for United Russia. Flagging in the polls, the party has become vulnerable to attacks among Russia's typically raucous and increasingly influential Internet commentariat. • The liberal commentariat certainly thinks so, and I agree.)
политический обозреватель
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects