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adjective | verb | to phrases
поклявшийся adj.stresses
gen. swore; sworn
поклясться v
gen. vouch; swear by; make oath; swear oath; take oath; swear an oath (Andrey Truhachev); cross heart; vow; make an oath (Andrey Truhachev); avow; swear; make a vow; take a vow; take an oath on (smth., в чём-л.)
Gruzovik swear; cross one's heart (pf of клясться); vow (pf of клясться)
amer. make vow (Val_Ships)
inf. make a pinky swear (In order to preserve your friendship, you and Howard made a pinky swear that neither of you would attempt to woo her.); make a pinky promise (Ashley told me that she pulled the fire alarm. I made a pinky promise to her saying I wouldn't tell a soul.)
Makarov. make an oath; take an oath; tender an oath
поклянись! v
gen. cross your heart; cross your heart and hope to die!
child. pinky swear! (ситуативный перевод на русский язык Aiduza); pinky promise! (ситуативный перевод на русский язык Aiduza)
поклявшийся: 93 phrases in 8 subjects
Foreign policy1
Mass media1
Proper and figurative1