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под пристальным вниманиемstresses
gen. under the spotlight (School violence is once again under the media spotlight. VLZ_58); under close attention (Dude67); under scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); closely monitored (Ivan Pisarev); under the close supervision (Ivan Pisarev); under close control (Ivan Pisarev); monitored closely (Ivan Pisarev); under close supervision (Ivan Pisarev); under close monitoring (Ivan Pisarev); under the close control (Ivan Pisarev); under strict control (Ivan Pisarev); closely supervised (Ivan Pisarev); under intense scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under the close attention (Ivan Pisarev); under the close scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under close scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under increased scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under increasing scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under greater scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); under the constant scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev)
под пристальным вниманием
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects
Mass media2