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под каблукомstresses
idiom. be under one's wife's thumb (Taras); be a henpecked husband (Taras); be under petticoat government (- Он всё такой же, – говорю я прямо. – Под каблуком у своей жены. – He hasn't changed a bit, I said bluntly. He's under petticoat government. Taras); be pinned to one's wife's apron strings (Taras); be tied to one's wife's apron strings (Taras); keep one's husband under one's thumb (Taras); wear the breeches (Taras); under the heel of (someone); the Greeks spent several centuries under the heel of the Ottoman Empire Taras); be under someone's thumb (Taras); be under someone's heel (Taras); be under someone's hoof (Taras); be completely under the control of (someone Taras); be completely under the influence of (someone Taras); let someone boss around (Ну, ты-то, Гриш, никогда под каблуком не будешь, – польстила кладовщица ... Come on, Grisha, you'll never let anyone boss you around. The woman flattered him... Taras); keep someone under one's thumb (Наташка молодец. Правда, она держит Антона под каблуком. Но это ему на пользу. Natasha is wonderful. It's true she keeps Anton under her thumb, but it's for his own good. Taras); wrap around one's finger (have complete control over someone and be able to make them do anything you want: She has her boss wrapped around her finger and can do anything that she wants Taras); wrap around one's little finger (to have easy and complete control or influence over Taras); wear the pants in a family (Taras); be the boss in a family (Taras); under thumb (Yeldar Azanbayev); under someone's hoof (Taras)
inf. henpecked
Makarov. hold someone in the palm of one's hand
slang under the thumb; under the thumb ("Under my thumb the sweetest girl in the world..." == "У меня под каблуком - самая красивая в мире девушка..." - так пели "Роллинг Стоунз" в 1965 году (песня "Under My Thumb"). На советских пластинках конца 70-х годов эта песня была переведена как "Всецело в моих руках", что звучит очень лирично, но не совсем точно.)
"под каблуком"
inf. whipped (у девушки chronik)
под каблуком
: 49 phrases in 11 subjects