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gen. soon-to-be-old (Sergei Aprelikov); advanced
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gen. tail off; decline; wane; run short; verge to a close; be nearly over (Anglophile); wind down (ART Vancouver); be on its last legs; draw to a close; have over (о чём-либо неприятном); waste; go down to the wire (Дмитрий_Р); come to an end; come to a close; run out; draw to an end; draw to a termination; draw to conclusion
Игорь Миг be on the wane; lapse; wind down to; near completion
busin. fail
inf. drop
Makarov. show diminution; have over (чего-либо неприятного); be approaching completion; be at an end; run low
math. be nearing completion
media. break up
TV close out (Taras)
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: 31 phrases in 6 subjects
Mass media2