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подсудимый nstresses
gen. panel; prisoner; prisoner on bail; indictee; accused (в уголовном процессе обвиняемый, преданный суду. БЮС – АД); culprit; prisoner at the bar; dft; accused (the accused = обвиняемый, подсудимый. ORD. в уголовном процессе обвиняемый, преданный суду. БЮС. (the accused) [TREATED AS SINGULAR OR PLURAL] A person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime: *the accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges *two of the accused were sentenced to thirteen years in prison More example sentences: There can be no trial at all unless the accused is fit both to plead and to stand trial. Immediately after the robbery the accused had left his home and could not be found by the police. These are not cases where the accused has caused death while in an involuntary state. ODE. при переводе "обвиняемый" как "charged"/'indicted"/"indictee". Alexander Demidov); the prisoner at the bar
crim.law. the accused
Gruzovik, obs. subject to the jurisdiction of
law criminal defendant; defendant in a criminal prosecution; man in the dock; person on trial for a crime; prisoner in the dock; the defendant
law, court defendant
obs. subject to the jurisdiction (of)
подсудимые n
gen. accused
Makarov. the accused (употр. с гл во мн. ч.)
подсудимый adj.
gen. arretted
law person on trial; prisoner on trial; defence
obs. mute
подсудимая adj.
Gruzovik, law indictee; defendant; the accused
подсудить v
Gruzovik, sport. favor (pf of подсуживать)
sport., inf. favour
 Russian thesaurus
подсудимый n
gen. обвиняемый с момента предания его суду и до вступления приговора в законную силу или оправдания. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
подсудимого: 341 phrases in 15 subjects
Court law1
Criminal law8
Figure of speech1
Notarial practice7
Obsolete / dated1
Procedural law1