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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. lay oneself open (Anglophile); expose oneself (Anglophile); flip (dreamjam); walk right into it (ikravtso)
idiom. stick a bull's eye on one's back (VLZ_58)
sport, bask. draw a foul (VLZ_58)
sport. draw a charge (VLZ_58); draw a penalty (VLZ_58); sell a charge (Kelly Olynyk tries to sell a charge, but the refs don't call it as Anthony Davis takes advantage with a huge spin and slam. george serebryakov)
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подвести; подставить под удар
gen. place; move up; place near (to); set; expose; substitute; bring up (to); hold up (to); offer (to); put up (to); replace; turn toward; set someone up (кого-либо); place under; leave vulnerable; trip (someone)
Gruzovik put under (pf of подставлять); bring up to (pf of подставлять); place near to (pf of подставлять); put up to (pf of подставлять); hold up to (pf of подставлять); offer to (pf of подставлять); turn toward (pf of подставлять); replace (pf of подставлять)
amer. rat-fuck (Aprilen)
comp. prefill (SergeiAstrashevsky)
fig. set up (кого-н.: ... claiming he was set up by an acquaintance who planted the gun in his home noh); lay bare; pull a fast one on
idiom. take for a ride (Yeldar Azanbayev); throw a curve (Fuck you! You threw me a curve! VLZ_58); do a number on someone (кого-либо; I'm not surprised Caroline doesn't like him. He really did a number on her at work. Val_Ships); throw under the bus (кого-либо; to make somebody else suffer in order to save yourself or gain an advantage for yourself Bullfinch); leave in the lurch (kozelski)
inf. put someone in a tough spot (VLZ_58); get in wrong (кого-либо); frame up (кого-либо Maxych); set up (кого-либо Maxych); get in wrongly (кого-либо); set someone up (bookworm); let sb down (подвести кого-либо Agatha); give somebody the shaft (AmE Anglophile); cross somebody up (подвести Anglophile); use as the fall guy (кого-либо Anglophile); frack over (Alex Lilo); freck over (Alex Lilo); pull the rug out from under (someone Anglophile); screw (кого-либо MikeIva); put at risk (Tanya Gesse); leave someone out to dry (VLZ_58); put somebody in a frame (по сфабрикованному обвинению А.Черковский); leave somebody to hang (VLZ_58); put in a hole (VLZ_58); leave someone high and dry (Mosley Leigh); leave someone in the lurch (Mosley Leigh); hang someone out to dry (m_rakova); bush out on someone (plushkina); frame for (под обвинение в чем-то; he was framed for murder; SirReal made a note on one translation; they are all off, actually, since to frame someone for something means specifically and only to set a person up for a false accusation kriemhild); frame (Whose idea was it to frame me with the dead canary? + comment by 4uzhoj: to make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely. Islet); to stitch up (кого-либо Maxych); set someone up (кого-либо Val_Ships); sell out (alenushpl); implicate (From THE SHADOW CONSPIRACY movie: They're trying to implicate me. Someone in the government. Close to the President. Yuri Tovbin); wrongfoot (Valerij Tomarenko); forfeit (MichaelBurov)
intell., slang come as a friend with a friend
Makarov., inf. set up (кого-либо); wound up
math. substitute in (to); insert into; plug in (bix); plug something into something (что-либо, во что-либо; to plug [a value] into [an equation] – подставить [значение] в [уравнение]; to plug the value of x=1 into the equation – подставить значение x=1 в это уравнение TarasZ); substitute something in something (что-либо, во что-либо; to substitute [a value] in [an equation] – подставить [значение] в [уравнение]; to substitute the value of x=1 in the equation – подставить значение x=1 в это уравнение TarasZ); substitute something into something (что-либо, во что-либо; to substitute [a value] into [an equation] – подставить [значение] в [уравнение]; to substitute x=1 into the equation – подставить x=1 в это уравнение TarasZ); plug something in something (что-либо, во что-либо; to plug [a value] in [an equation] – подставить [значение] в [уравнение]; to plug x=2 in the equation – подставить x=2 в это уравнение TarasZ)
math.anal. appy (igisheva); use (igisheva)
rude screw up (кого-либо)
Игорь Миг, inf. double-cross (предать)
подставленный prtc.
math. substituted
: 94 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Information technology1
Mathematical analysis2