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idiom. take a closer look
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gen. take a closer look at
busin. elaborate
| этот
gen. hereby; in this way; by that; in so doing
arch. withal
math. by this
| вопрос
gen. question

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gen. take a closer look at (e.g., ... what we did – ... проделанную работу / ... то, что было (нами) сделано Alex_Odeychuk)
busin. elaborate (I would be pleased to elaborate on any aspect of this proposal with you or discuss any suggestions you may have. ART Vancouver)
rhetor. go into the details of understanding (такой-то вопрос Alex_Odeychuk)
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idiom. take a closer look (at sth. – в чём-л. ART Vancouver)
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: 5 phrases in 3 subjects