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Gruzovik, inf. deteriorate slightly
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gen. taint (Artjaazz); take away from (VLZ_58); play havoc (with: Strong winds played havoc with her golf game. Баян); wreak havoc (Баян); funk smth up (andreon); spoil slightly
fig. take the shine off (Artjaazz)
Gruzovik, inf. impair a little; cause some damage; corrupt a little
idiom., amer. throw a wrench (into: Xi called Putin an "old friend" when they chatted in mid December, while the Russian leader hailed what he said was a "responsible joint approach to solving urgent global issues." But kicking off an invasion of Ukraine in the middle of Xi's Olympic moment would throw a wrench into such warmth, and risk drawing China into the diplomatic fray. bloomberg.com 4uzhoj)
inf. cause some damage; corrupt a little
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects