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insur. Signed
O&G, sakh. contract's status
gen. oversigned; executed; DS
busin. signed
EBRD completed by signature
energ.ind. signed
progr. formally authorized
SAP.tech. subscribed
1 8 1975 | в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| Хельсинки
geogr. Helsinki
| руководителями
fin. managing director
33 | европейских государств
 европейские государства
polit. European powers
| США и Канады
 США и Канада
oil.proc. USGC
| Включает
gen. step in
| догов
dog. Great Dane
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
подписать vstresses
gen. put name to (что-либо, воззвание и т. п.); sign into law (закон, законопроект: The Patriot Act is an Act of the United States Congress that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. 4uzhoj); set one's hand to; write at the bottom; add at the end; take out a subscription for someone to (a publication); subscribe; endorse by signature; put name to (воззвание и т. п.; что-либо); sign up (кого-либо на что-либо); subscribe (кого-либо); put pen to (Yan); paraph; undersign; underwrite; underwritten; underwrote; lend one's John Hancock (fruit_jellies); ink (напр., контракт: RusHydro chief Yevgeny Dodd and Alstom head Phillipe Cochet inked the deal at a ceremony attended by President Dmitry Medvedev in the Bashkir capital of Ufa. TMT Alexander Demidov); by line; add (to something written); make annotations (картинку, элементы схемы и т.п. 4uzhoj); label (картинку, элементы схемы и т.п. 4uzhoj); annotate (картинку, элементы схемы и т.п. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik add to something written (pf of подписывать); sign (pf of подписывать)
amer. ink (контракт Val_Ships)
dipl. countersign (документ, чек)
econ. countersign
el. sign
Gruzovik, inf. will; bequeath
Gruzovik, obs. decorate with murals (pf of подписывать); paint with murals (pf of подписывать)
inf. ink (договор; sign a contract: she's just inked a deal to host her own talk show Val_Ships)
Makarov. subscribe to (кого-либо)
math. add to
O&G, casp. seek signatures (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G, tengiz. execute
obs. decorate with murals; paint
patents. affix
torped. affirm
подписаться v
gen. subscribe; sign up; undersign; underwrite; sign on the dotted line (в т.ч. "на что-то" в нашем разговорном употреблении // The worse part is you still hear knuckle heads spewing "my recruiter screwed me".. when actually they screwed themselves by not doing basic homework before signing the dotted line. 4uzhoj); put name (to); sign up for (They knew what they had signed up for, nothing unusual. 4uzhoj); add (to something written); write one's self; sign one’s name; sign; subscribe to (a publication); agree with
Gruzovik sign; put one's name to (pf of подписываться)
comp., MS subscribe (To start using the services of a service provider, e.g. an Internet access provider. The subscriber may or may not be charged for the used services)
dipl. endorse (на документе); sign in else's name (за кого-либо)
Gruzovik, fig. subscribe to
inet. follow (на страницу в соцсети OstrichReal1979); opt in to (geraltik)
inf. bequeath; will
jarg. stand by one's word (под своими словами: It's kind of like "if you're going to try and fuck us over be prepared to stand by your word in court". 4uzhoj)
libr. take a subscription (на издание)
Makarov. sign one's name; take out a subscription (на что-либо)
obs. decorate with murals; paint
slang put head on the block (поручиться за кого-либо) The last time I put my head on the block for anyone, it all backfired, and when the person goofed up, I looked like an idiot! 4uzhoj)
soc.med. follow back (You give me a like, I won’t follow back. — Ты поставишь мне лайк, я не подпишусь. Alex_Odeychuk)
подписанный adj.
gen. oversigned; executed (о договоре, доверенности и прочих документах. Слова "signed and executed" являются парными синонимами и переводятся одним словом "подписано". Слово "совершено" применяется только в документах встреч на высоком уровне вроде натовских конвенций, и то оно там обычно "made" 4uzhoj); DS; sgd; initialed (Johnny Bravo); subscript
busin. signed
EBRD completed by signature (о документе oVoD)
energ.ind. signed (напр., документ); document signed (таким-то)
progr. formally authorized (ssn)
SAP.tech. subscribed
slang front office
подписано adv.
ed. Official seal (Johnny Bravo)
invest. signed
notar. given under the signature (Johnny Bravo)
O&G, sakh. approved by; authorized by; endorsed by; reviewed by
relig., lat. Subscripta ("subscribed", SSA.)
подписал v
busin. signed (Andrey Truhachev); sgd. (Andrey Truhachev)
подписан adj.
insur. Signed
O&G, sakh. contract's status
подписанный URL adj.
d.b.. signed URL (sheetikoff)
подпишусь v
inet. follow for follow (на ваш аккаунт) за подписку (на меня Shabe)
подписан 1: 2 phrases in 1 subject