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подонки nstresses
gen. dunder; faeces; feces; lees; dregs (жидкостей); ales; scum; bottom; dross; refuse; draff; offscouring; offscum; dreg (жидкостей); grout; tail; tailing; the vilest of mankind; ale grains; riff-raff; scum of the earth (Andrey Truhachev); foot; gutter (общества); lee; murk; riffraff; sordes; trash; waste; residue
Gruzovik foots; sediment
Игорь Миг nastiness; lowlifes (Ukrainians were often described as лукавые (sneaky, lying, conniving). Ukrainians were called нацисты (Nazis); бандеровцы (Bandera supporters); and подонки (lowlifes). /19/mberdy)
amer., contempt. doggery
austral., jarg. talent
coll. vermin; the scum (общества)
contempt. rabble (VLZ_58)
fig. scum (общества)
idiom. the lowest of the low (Может использоваться и форма единственного числа. VLZ_58)
inf. degenerate piece of trash (Taras)
invect. common folk (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. grounds; offscourings; offscums; tailings; tails
obs. outscourings
oil.proc. bottoms (MichaelBurov); distillation residue (MichaelBurov); residuum (MichaelBurov); stillage bottoms (MichaelBurov)
vernac. mooching
подонок n
gen. crud; crum; gook; ratfink; crump; drip; frog; gink; scut; slime; stinker; crum-bum (Anglophile); raff; douchebag (Timan); sonofobitch (Interex); crumb bum; caitiff (Pippy-Longstocking); low wretch (Vadim Rouminsky); yaroo (КГА)
Игорь Миг shizit; piece of shit; sleaze; yob (Просто отвратительно, а Меркель и ЕС хранят молчание и вводят санкции против России за то, что она защищает людей в Крыму и на востоке от этих подонков с татуировками СС)
amer. dirtbag (slang; The dirtbag fragged an officer in 'Nam. Val_Ships); sack of crap (Taras)
amer., rude crumbum
amer., slang schlepp; schmo; schmoe; schnook
austral., slang shit
contempt. riffraff; the filth of the world (Artjaazz); sleazebag (Andrey Truhachev); sleazebag (He tried to pick up every girl in the room, and they were all young enough to be his daughters. What a sleazebag! vogeler)
fig. turd
fig., inf. loathsome person; vermin
Gruzovik, fig. vermin; loathsome person
inf. lowlife; heck; brock; piece of trash (тж. во мн. ч. Taras); ass maggot (Taras); swipe (george serebryakov); shithouse (fluggegecheimen); scumpig (Taras); scum-pig (Taras)
invect. bastard (fayzee); lousy guy (Andrey Truhachev); fucker; jerk; cucker (Taras); fucker; nasty son of a bitch (Taras)
literal. low life (I sure hope they find enough evidence to put the low life that did this in jail. • There's some low life lurking in the Lougheed and Holdom area stealing parcels, police have been alerted. (Reddit) – какой-то подонок шастает в районе Л. и Х., в полицию уже сообщили ART Vancouver)
low scum bag (WiseSnake); punk (Am. Andrey Truhachev); filthy jerk (Andrey Truhachev); scum (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
obs., fig. geek
rude fucker (Taras); scumbag; filthy louse (ART Vancouver)
sec.sys. scum (общества)
slang clutch; smooth operator; creep; grifter; ratink; rip; slicker; smacko; so and so; son of a bitch; son of a gun; sona'bitch'u; thug (сленг гетто WeeDMastA); mother fucker (и пр., более грубые, наименования); rotter (alice_q); slimebag (Taras); scumbag (slang Val_Ships); creepy guy (financial-engineer); jag-off (Taras); slimeball (Taras); bitchhead (Bitchhead is the kind way of insulting someone you don't like, in the most special of ways.: Chad: Dude, your shoes are complete trash! Josh: Shut up bitchhead! MikeMirgorodskiy)
yiddish. schlep
: 76 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Figure of speech2
Mass media1
Oil processing plants12