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подобрать vstresses
gen. pick up (в разных значениях, в т.ч.: 1) поднять с земли: Does how fast you pick up food from the ground really matter? 2) заехать за кем-либо по дороге: You can hang around there all day and pick me up on your way home. 3) записать музыку на слух: I picked up the chords from listening it on the radio. и т.д.); bundle up (шлейф у платья); draw in (повод у лошади); hit off (приличное выражение); take in; draw up (the edge of a garment); put up (one’s hair); take up; collect (1) какой-либо предмет с земли: The woman had asked the perpetrator – aged in his 30s walking a grey American Staffy – to collect his dog's faeces. 2) взять к себе в машину по пути куда-либо: You can spend the evening with her and I'll come and collect you on my way home. 4uzhoj); pick; gather up; line up; give a lift (кого-либо); choose; pull in; purse (one’s lips); tighten; tuck in; tuck up; line; tuck (под себя); select; go pick someone up (заехать за кем-либо VlaDyMaria); ruck up (Wakeful dormouse); pick up (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik pick up (pf of подбирать); tuck in (pf of подбирать); tuck up (pf of подбирать); pull in (pf of подбирать); purse (pf of подбирать); match (pf of подбирать); tighten (pf of подбирать)
Игорь Миг cherry-pick; find (I couldn’t find the right words.)
busin. identify (в знач. "определить"; напр., identify a mutually acceptable successor sankozh)
inf. scoop (напр., кого-либо на машине: You have a car. Can you come and scoop me? 4uzhoj)
inf., fig. collect (взять к себе в машину по пути куда-либо: You can spend the evening with her and I'll come and collect you on my way home. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. hold in (внутрь)
math. pick up; assort; fit; pick out; sort out
mus. pick up (аккорды на слух: I picked up the chords from listening it on the radio.); figure out (аккорды на слух; также "pick up": maxno)
obs. poll
sport. elect
tech. capture; match (по биркам при установке шлангов)
подобраться v
gen. draw oneself together (принять более строгий вид Technical); shrivel; choose; gather up; huddle up; make oneself tidy; match; pick; pull in; purse; steal up (to); tighten; tuck in; tuck up; get access to (Andrey Truhachev); select; shrink; be selected; be chosen; sneak up to; sneak up on
Gruzovik approach stealthily (pf of подбираться); steal up to (pf of подбираться); make oneself tidy (pf of подбираться); huddle up (pf of подбираться); shrink (pf of подбираться); shrivel (pf of подбираться)
fig., inf. ingratiate oneself
Gruzovik, fig. ingratiate oneself (pf of подбираться)
Gruzovik, inf. brace oneself up (pf of подбираться); draw oneself up (pf of подбираться); come to an end (pf of подбираться); run low (pf of подбираться); dry up (pf of подбираться)
inf. brace oneself up; come to an end; draw oneself up; run low; crawl under; straighten up; draw oneself in
подобрав v
math. having chosen; having taken
: 193 phrases in 35 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Human resources1
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Labor organization1
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Oil and gas2
Quotes and aphorisms1
Refractory materials1
Sakhalin R1
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