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gen. carry; offer; present; set; touch to; take
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gen. wine

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. carry (to); offer; present (a gift); set; touch to (что-либо, к чему-либо); bring (with в, на or к, to); put; take (to); cater to (Vadim Rouminsky); cater for (Vadim Rouminsky); hold up (with к, to); lift up (to); give
Gruzovik take to (impf of поднести)
Gruzovik, inf. treat to (impf of поднести); wear out partially or completely (pf of поднашивать)
inf. wear out (partially or completely); treat (to)
math. take
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gen. fly aloft; present (with); rise high; soar; bring (to); take (to)
Gruzovik wear out (intrans; pf of поднашиваться); come running up to (with great rapidity; impf of поднестись); soar (impf of поднестись); fly aloft (impf of поднестись); rise high (impf of поднестись)
Gruzovik, inf. come running up to with great rapidity (impf of поднестись); drive up to with great rapidity (impf of поднестись); wear out intrans (pf of поднашиваться)
inf. come running up (to); drive up with great rapidity
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: 25 phrases in 5 subjects