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gen. back-stabbing; backstabbing; mean; low; blackguard; villainous
| негритос
gen. Negrito
| который
gen. who
| действуют исподтишка
 действовать исподтишка
inf. rig
| из серии
 из серии
inf. along the lines of
| молодец среди овец
 молодец среди овец
proverb hares may pull dead lions by the beard
| а
gen. and
| против
gen. against
| молодца
inf. well done!
| и сам
 и сам
inf. context. in the first place
- only individual words found

to phrases
подлый adj.stresses
gen. back-stabbing (sepino); backstabbing (sepino); mean; low; blackguard; villainous; shabby; dastardly; hangdog; ignoble; reprobate; reptile (о человеке, о поступке); scabby; scummy; scurvy; sneaking; snide; sordid; vile; wormy; base-born; base hearted; base-minded; base-spirited; mean-spirited; scoundrelly; yellow-dog; blackguardly; dastard; hoggish; knavish; miscreant; nefarious (a nefarious plot); peaking; picayune; unworthy; despicable; dishonourable; beggarly; dishonorable (о людях); dishonourable (о людях); grimy; pitchy; scrubby team; sleazo; sleezy; squalid; yellow; rotten; mean spirited; picayunish; cowardly; caddish (joyand); baseborn (Tink); detestable; evil; malicious; nasty; not generous; cheap; foul; reptilian; rascally; sleazy; base born; base minded; base spirited; little; wicked (Юрий Гомон); base; sneaky (sneaky coward – подлый трус); mischievous (a mischievous lie VLZ_58); back-shooting (4uzhoj); unmagnanimous (Finoderi); blaggard (Taras); cowish; craven; cringing; degrading; despisable; downward; flagitious; limmer; paltry; pitiful; poor spirited; rascal; recreant; ribald; scoundrel; soulless; spaniel; spiritless; underfoot; wretched; miserable; hang dog; hang-dog
Gruzovik underhanded
amer. yellow dog; gutless (a gutless attack on a writer who is now deceased and unable to defend herself Val_Ships)
austral., slang deadshit (поступок, действие и т.п.); lower than a snake's belly
brit. bloody-minded (Anglophile); crooked as a dog's hind leg (Liv Bliss)
Gruzovik, inf. bad
Gruzovik, obs. belonging to the lowest class; lowborn; plebeian
idiom. dirty (April May)
inf. low-down; lousy (Andrey Truhachev); cross
invect. shitty (Himera)
Makarov. abject
obs. hilding; niddering; scabbed; lewd; caitif; caitive; cravent; cullionly; degenerous; nidering; putid; unnoble; villanous
obs., dial. hory; horry
obs., poetic caitiff
relig. Babylonian
slang sticking; assy; kinky; shiftiey-eyed; shifty-eyed; shity; stinking; meanie (Interex); meany (Interex)
подлые adj.
Gruzovik, dial. gently-sloping land; plain
 Russian thesaurus
подл. abbr.
abbr. подлесничий
подлый негритос, который действуют исподтишка, из серии " молодец среди овец, а против молодца и сам: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Black slang / African-American Vernacular1