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gen. creepingly; blackguardly; through foul means; by foul means; knavishly; contemptibly
econ. nefariously
inf. real low
Makarov. under board
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gen. act
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 по отношению к
gen. relatively

adjective | adverb | to phrases
подлый adj.stresses
gen. back-stabbing (sepino); backstabbing (sepino); mean; low; blackguard; villainous; shabby; dastardly; hangdog; ignoble; reprobate; reptile (о человеке, о поступке); scabby; scummy; scurvy; sneaking; snide; sordid; vile; wormy; base-born; base hearted; base-minded; base-spirited; mean-spirited; scoundrelly; yellow-dog; blackguardly; dastard; hoggish; knavish; miscreant; nefarious (a nefarious plot); peaking; picayune; unworthy; despicable; dishonourable; beggarly; dishonorable (о людях); dishonourable (о людях); grimy; pitchy; scrubby team; sleazo; sleezy; squalid; yellow; rotten; mean spirited; picayunish; cowardly; caddish (joyand); baseborn (Tink); detestable; evil; malicious; nasty; not generous; cheap; foul; reptilian; rascally; sleazy; base born; base minded; base spirited; little; wicked (Юрий Гомон); base; sneaky (sneaky coward – подлый трус); mischievous (a mischievous lie VLZ_58); back-shooting (4uzhoj); unmagnanimous (Finoderi); blaggard (Taras); cowish; craven; cringing; degrading; despisable; downward; flagitious; limmer; paltry; pitiful; poor spirited; rascal; recreant; ribald; scoundrel; soulless; spaniel; spiritless; underfoot; wretched; miserable; hang dog; hang-dog
Gruzovik underhanded
amer. yellow dog; gutless (a gutless attack on a writer who is now deceased and unable to defend herself Val_Ships)
austral., slang deadshit (поступок, действие и т.п.); lower than a snake's belly
brit. bloody-minded (Anglophile); crooked as a dog's hind leg (Liv Bliss)
Gruzovik, inf. bad
Gruzovik, obs. belonging to the lowest class; lowborn; plebeian
idiom. dirty (April May)
inf. low-down; lousy (Andrey Truhachev); cross
invect. shitty (Himera)
Makarov. abject
obs. hilding; niddering; scabbed; lewd; caitif; caitive; cravent; cullionly; degenerous; nidering; putid; unnoble; villanous
obs., dial. hory; horry
obs., poetic caitiff
relig. Babylonian
slang sticking; assy; kinky; shiftiey-eyed; shifty-eyed; shity; stinking; meanie (Interex); meany (Interex)
подлые adj.
Gruzovik, dial. gently-sloping land; plain
подло adv.
gen. creepingly; blackguardly; knavishly; contemptibly; cowardly; cowish; despicably; fawningly; ignobly; low; nefariously; pitifully; wretchedly; shabbily (bookworm); rascally; dishonorably; dishonourably; basely; foully; dirtily; meanly
Gruzovik abjectly
Игорь Миг through foul means; by foul means
econ. nefariously (However, the bids nefariously influence bid recipients' incentives. (Тем не менее, ставки вынуждают быть зависимыми тех, кто их принимает) berezhins)
fig. stinkingly
inf. real low (triumfov)
Makarov. under board
obs. cringingly; crouchingly; degenerately; degradingly; nittily; unnobly; sordidly; villanously; degenerously; sneakingly; vilely
relig. rottenly
 Russian thesaurus
подл. abbr.
abbr. подлесничий
подло: 171 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Black slang / African-American Vernacular1
Computer games1
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated5
Uncommon / rare1