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gen. steal sneak up; creep (creep into somebody's favour – втираться к кому-либо в доверие); stalk (к дичи); creep (over, upon); creep up on (Don't yell – let's creep up on them and scare them. (Не вопи ты так, давай подкрадемся и напугаем их) The feeling she had for Malcolm had crept up on her and taken her by surprise. (Чувства к Малькольму проснулись в ней внезапно и совершенно застали её врасплох) Somehow, the end of term had crept up on us. (Конец семестра застал нас врасплох/ мы и опомниться не успели, как натсал конец семестра Bad Touch); sneak; approach stealthily; sneak up (to); sidle up (To advance in an unobtrusive, furtive, or coy way: At the train station, swindlers sidled up to the tourists. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 Alexander Demidov); crawl; reep up (Andrey Truhachev); sneak up on (I didn't mean to sneak up on you Taras); sidle (usually + adverb or preposition: He sidled past Putney Heath); creep on (April May); steal along; sneak up to (with к); sneak up on (with к); steal up to; skulk (Aly19)
Gruzovik steal up to (impf of подкрасться); creep up to (impf of подкрасться); steal up to; approach stealthily (impf of подкрасться); sneak up to (impf of подкрасться)
biol. stalk (к добыче)
Makarov. creep in; creep into; creep up; tiptoe; tiptoe it
scub. lurk
torped. steal
: 26 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Proper and figurative1