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подземное газохранилище
 подземное газохранилище
mining. subterranean gas storage
O&G. tech. subsurface reservoir; subsurface gas reservoir
| в
inf. 2
 в ...
mil. avia. to ...
Makarov. intra-; intro-
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| истощённых
gen. run short
| коллекторах газа
 коллектор газа
tech. gas reservoir

to phrases
подземное газохранилищеstresses
mining. subterranean gas storage
O&G. tech. subsurface reservoir (MichaelBurov); subsurface gas reservoir (MichaelBurov)
oil UGS (underground gas storage); underground gas storage
подземное газохранилище: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry1
Oil / petroleum4
Oil and gas1
Oil and gas technology1