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verb | verb | to phrases
подрать vstresses
gen. claw (когтями – о животном: If the cat clawed the furniture, what would you do? • The old lady is telling her cat that he's been a bad boy, and he's clawed the furniture for the last time, and she won't have it. 4uzhoj); tear (up, to pieces, to shreds); tear off; wear out (garments, shoes, etc); kill (of wild animals); scratch (of dull instruments)
Gruzovik pull by the ear; pull by the hair
fig., inf. fleece
Gruzovik, inf. tear up; begin to run; take to one's heels
inf. begin to run; flog; make off; sting; tear out; tear up; thrash; be harsh; be tart; beat; irritate; run away; scratch
подраться v
подраться с
gen. get into a fight (He got into a fight with a policeman Damirules); scrap; spar; let out at; have a set-to; scrap with (с кем-либо); scuffle with (с кем-либо); come to blows; fight (with); romp (с кем-либо); scuffle; run into a barney (Damirules); come to handy gripes; exchange blows
Gruzovik fight with (pf of драться); come to blows (pf of драться)
Makarov. have a fight; have a scrap
uncom. have a brush together
подранный prtc.
gen. tattered (a tattered wing Olya34)
подери: 81 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Low register7
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated1