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подгоняющий adj.stresses
mech. fitting up
подгонять v
gen. fit; adapt; urge; dovetail; whip; prod; whip up; customize; hurry-scurry; play up (to; подо что-либо); flog; hustle; spank (шлепками); spur a willing horse; breathe down neck (кого-либо); urge (часто urge on); bustle; hurry-skurry; spanker (шлепками и т.п.); rush someone off his feet (Anglophile); hurry skurry; haste; hasten; lash; whip on; fit on; flog along; make over (переделывать); make to fit (Everything can be made to fit! | Everything can be made to fit the theory, even contrary readings such as those of Mark Spitz and Reggie Jackson, who deserve more credit for their ... | They say everything can be made to fit, but perhaps that is a stretch. Alexander Demidov); humour (Andrey Truhachev); match; adjust (to); shape (Stas-Soleil); accommodate (факты под теорию и т.п.: to accommodate prophecy to events); goad (стадо); pinch (лошадь, особ. на скачках); wing; goose; push; conform (DC); run; do alterations (одежду Taras); press (Abysslooker); put spurs to (поторапливать, кого-либо); chase up (askandy); flex (Artemie); hurry; adjust; chivvy (кого-либо sea holly); railroad (Taras); railroad into (Taras); lash on; push on; speed; steer (to a certain place); urge smb. on to go ahead (кого́-л.); hurry sb., sth. up (кого-л., что-л.); hurry sb. up (кого-л., что-л.); measure; rush; spur; force a fit (between Tamerlane); equalize; put spurs to (кого-либо); precipitate; tune (под требуемые показатели Post Scriptum)
Gruzovik drive to (impf of подогнать); adjust to (impf of подогнать)
agric. pinch (лошадь)
astronaut. mate
auto. fay; try up
automat. develop (пятно контакта)
brit. tells someone to get skates on (My boyfriend always tells me to get skates on because I tend to dress up for some party for hours and we are late all the time 4uzhoj)
busin. register; drive
cinema align
dipl. subordinate; prod (sb bigmaxus); urge along (bigmaxus); urge forward (bigmaxus); urge to (bigmaxus); urge upon (bigmaxus)
econ. tweak (результаты анализа carburetted)
electr.eng. drive on
energ.ind. adjust (напр., расчёт)
fig. put spurs to; shoehorn (под теорию bellb1rd)
Gruzovik, inf. urge on (impf of подогнать); speed up (impf of подогнать); bring up to speed (impf of подогнать)
Gruzovik, IT fit curve
idiom. light a fire under (someone VLZ_58)
inf. pep; speed up; urge on; bring up to speed; time; schedule
IT adjust (расчёт); retrofit
leath. reseat
logist. marry up
Makarov. fit (одежду и т.п.); fit in; bustle up; get up (лошадь); goad on (стадо); hustle into; hustle to; pep up; play up to (подо что-либо); play up to (подо что-либо); set spurs to; shape to; spur on; touch up (кого-либо); urge (someone – кого-либо); whip up (лошадь)
Makarov., inf. chivy along (кого-либо); chivy up (кого-либо)
Makarov., tech. match up
mech. fit up
mech.eng., obs. adjust (при сборке)
mil. joint
mil., tech. mate (напр., детали)
obs. properate
polym. match (цвет, оттенок)
qual.cont. adjust (о расчёте)
quant.el. trim
slang give someone or something the goose
tech. align (в технологии ИС); tailor; trim (напр., номиналы); match to (к чему-либо)
transp. match together
подгоняться v
gen. adjust (to); fit; match; drive (to)
inf. drive on; hurry; speed up; urge on; bring up to speed; goad
подгоняла v
Gruzovik, inf. driver (= подгоняльщик, подгоняльщица); prompter (= подгоняльщик, подгоняльщица); urger (= подгоняльщик, подгоняльщица)
inf. prompter; urger; slave driver (Andrey Truhachev); slave-driver (Andrey Truhachev); slavedriver (Andrey Truhachev)
подгоняемый prtc.
gen. hurried; adjustable (Kosarar)
 Russian thesaurus
подгоняла v
inf. ж.род от погоняльщик
: 151 phrases in 33 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Animal husbandry2
Armored vehicles1
Dental implantology1
Energy industry1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas2
Wood processing1