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verb | verb | to phrases
подвязываться vstresses
gen. tie something around oneself (with instr.); lengthen by knitting; tie round waist; knit on; tie on underneath; tie up
Gruzovik tie round oneself (impf of подвязаться); tie round one's waist (impf of подвязаться)
подвязывать v
gen. knit up; trice; lengthen by knitting; kilt (подол); tie; knit on; tie on underneath; relate to (к чему-либо sankozh); draw up; truss up; underbrace; tie up (so as not to fall or come loose); tie around oneself
Gruzovik tie on underneath (impf of подвязать); knit on (impf of подвязать); lengthen by knitting (impf of подвязать)
agr. vinculate
agric. tie up (растения)
inet. add (карту к аккаунту sankozh)
Makarov. tie back; tie up (с.-х.; растения)
nautic. trice (обыкн. trice up)
navig. sling
obs. upbind
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
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