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verb | verb | to phrases
подвязаться vstresses
gen. tie something around oneself; lengthen by knitting; tie round waist; knit on; tie on underneath; tie up
Gruzovik tie round oneself (pf of подвязываться); tie round one's waist (pf of подвязываться)
подвязать v
gen. trice; tie, tie up (Susan Welsh); lengthen by knitting; knit on; tie on underneath; tie up (платье); tie around oneself
Gruzovik tie up (pf of подвязывать); tie on underneath (pf of подвязывать); knit on (pf of подвязывать); lengthen by knitting (pf of подвязывать)
Makarov. tie back
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects