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adjective | verb | to phrases
подвыпивший adj.stresses
gen. beery; glorious; jolly; mellow; moony; elevated; disguised with drink; capernoited; cocktailed; totty; winy; a sheet to the in the wind's eye; shot away; top heavy; well oiled; exhilarated; half seas over; half-seas-over; the worse for liquor; half-drunk (yerlan.n); in liquor; liquored up (He looks liquored up vogeler); bousy; maudlin
Игорь Миг boozy
amer. under the weather (key2russia)
amer., slang oiled
dial., slang bosky
fig. by the head
fig.of.sp. down by the head
Gruzovik, inf. a bit tight
humor. ebriose
idiom. bit by a barn mouse (Tipsy. Interex)
inf. tipsy; merry; fuddled; top-heavy; shot in the neck; cut; mops and brooms; pickled; wat; tight (key2russia); muzzy (key2russia); high (key2russia); full of hops (key2russia); bright in the eye (Slavik_K); noggy (Andrey Truhachev); wet
Makarov. a sheet in the wind; a sheet to the wind; in the wind's eye; sheet in the wind; sheet to the wind
mil., jarg. one over the eight
nautic., jarg. shot-away
obs. gay
slang lushy; moppy; well-oiled; sprung; fluffy (key2russia); half-under (Svetlana D); fresh; screwed; squiffy; under; loopy; nose heavy (MichaelBurov)
uncom. screwy
подвыпить v
gen. take too much; take a drop; in the wind
Gruzovik, inf. have a few drinks; become slightly tight
inf. be high (key2russia); be full of hops (key2russia); become slightly tight; have few drinks
Makarov. fluster
nautic., jarg. be three sheets in the wind; be three sheets to the wind; be three sheets in to the wind
slang be in the wind
подвыпивши v
gen. disguised with drink; beerily (Lady_Ales)
: 19 phrases in 6 subjects