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gen. step forth; step forward; move a little
fig. inf. advance; make progress; push forward
inf. scoot over; move over
Makarov. ease up
| к
gen. to
| столу
gen. desk

verb | verb | to phrases
подвинуться vstresses
gen. step forth; step forward; move a little; push; scoot (В словаре Meriam-Webster дается следующее значение scoot: to move (yourself, your chair, etc.) a short distance in a particular direction. Пример – scoot over! подвинься! Cinnamon_swirl); slide over (chilin); scooch (slitely_mad); shift over (can you shift over a bit? КГА); move; edge (toward, forward, etc.); make room; make place
Gruzovik move
amer. scoot (сидя; move aside while sitting Val_Ships)
fig., inf. advance; make progress (in); push forward
Gruzovik, fig. advance (pf of подвига́ться); make progress (pf of подвига́ться)
inf. scoot over (Scoot over, dude! Pickman); move over (Move over, Motorola. There's a new budget king in town. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. ease up
Makarov., inf., engl. shove up; shove over
obs. induce (to); prompt (to); spur (on)
подвинуть v
gen. bring one on; bring up the rear; reach; thrust forward; move; move a little; nudge (Ant493); push
Gruzovik move forward
fig., inf. give a push to; get something moving; move a part of one's body slightly (with instr.); wiggle; make progress (in)
Gruzovik, fig. make progress in (pf of подвига́ть)
Gruzovik, obs. induce to (pf of подвига́ть); prompt to (pf of подвига́ть); spur on (pf of подвига́ть)
inf. scoot over (Pickman)
lit. hale (Stephen haled his upended valise to the table. Стивен придвинул к столу свой чемодан, поставив его торчком. Ulysses flashforward)
media. joggle
obs. induce (to); prompt (to); spur (on)
подвинься v
gen. move over (Alex_Odeychuk)
amer. scoot over (oris1024)
inf., brit. budge up (I want to lie down, budge up. – Я хочу прилечь, подвинься. kiberline)
подвиньтесь! v
gen. move over!
подвинься! v
gen. give me elbow-room!
подвиньтесь v
Makarov. make room for me to squeeze by
подвинуться: 55 phrases in 8 subjects