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gen. short sell; pull the rug out
austral. slang pike on
inf. poop out
Makarov. throw over the bridge
math. bring to
tech. supply
vulg. drop a ballock for; fuck somebody up
| себя
math. yourselves

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gen. short sell; pull the rug out (кого-либо Nevtutor); pipe into; bring up; deliver; extend; imitate; lead up; make look like; paint like; run; subsume; fail; let; place (under); lead (The policeman led us to his sergeant. 'Hello, what's the matter with these three? Travelling without passes?' the sergeant asked.); get; lay; build; make; let down; betray; strike; give away; lay on; go back; market (кого-либо); act a lie; get in wrong (кого-либо); get in wrongly (кого-либо); get into trouble (кого-либо); pull the rug out from under (someone Anglophile); fail (someone – кого-либо) let somebody down КГА); fail one's confidence (Abysslooker); throw over the bridge (кого-либо); quit on (в смысле подставить, опозорить, свинью подложить и т. д. Adrax); feed; lead up to; come up short (Taras); get stood up (Taras); stand sb. up (кого-л.)
Gruzovik lead up to; bring to (pf of подводить); bring up (pf of подводить); lead up (pf of подводить); deliver (pf of подводить); feed; pipe into (pf of подводить); extend (pf of подводить); run (pf of подводить); subsume (pf of подводить); make look like (pf of подводить); paint like (pf of подводить); imitate (pf of подводить)
Игорь Миг turn on
amer. quit on (неожиданно; My knee quit on me in the last mile of the marathon. Val_Ships)
amer., inf. flake out (flake (out) on someoned Баян)
austral., slang pike on
Gruzovik, inf. put on the spot (pf of подводить); pull in one's stomach, cheeks, etc (pf of подводить); draw in one's stomach, cheeks, etc (pf of подводить)
idiom. drop the ball (кого-л. -- to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
inf. poop out (о механизме и т.п. q3mi4); underdeliver (fa158); draw in (one's stomach, cheeks, etc); pull in; leave someone out to dry (VLZ_58); leave somebody to hang (VLZ_58); put in a hole (VLZ_58); stand up (Taras); put on the spot; let someone down; disappoint
law interpret ("Даже это можно подвести под нарушение законодательства" – Even this can be interpreted as a violation... grafleonov)
Makarov. throw someone over the bridge (кого-либо); act a lie (не прийти, не принести и т. п.); go back on; go back upon; lay upon; leave someone in the lurch (кого-либо); circumvent; mar someone's market (кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. hand the dirty end of the stick (кого-либо); hand the short end of the stick (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. set up (кого-либо); stand someone up (кого-либо)
math. bring to; place
mil. bring up (reserves); place under (with под + acc.); place beneath (for support); lay a foundation, mine, etc. under; place (with под + acc.); subsume (in a certain category); adjust (a clock); touch up (with make-up)
slang flake (flake on someoned Баян); drop the ball on (someone Баян); mike out on (someone – кого-либо VLZ_58); bush out on someone (plushkina); stand up (кого-либо); stand somebody up (кого-либо)
tech. supply
vulg. drop a ballock for (someone – кого-либо); fuck somebody up (кого-либо)
подведомый prtc.
Gruzovik, obs. dependent on (= подведомственный); within the jurisdiction of (= подведомственный)
подвёл v
amer. someone messed me up or screwed me over or fucked me over (depends on context Maggie); upset as in my chances, impede as in my progress (Maggie); fouled me up (Maggie)
 Russian thesaurus
подведомый prtc.
obs. подведомственный
подвести: 320 phrases in 30 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution18
American usage, not spelling1
Electrical engineering2
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