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поворот на месте
 поворот на месте
gen. facings; standing turn
equest.sp. standing turn; short turn
gymn. body-turn on place; body-turn on spot
mil. facing in halt; in-place turn
mil., arm.veh. facing from halt
tech. spot turn operation
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road.wrk. via
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gen. foot

to phrases
поворот на местеstresses
gen. facings; standing turn (конный спорт)
equest.sp. standing turn; short turn
gymn. body-turn on place; body-turn on spot
mil. facing in halt; in-place turn (при строевой подготовке)
mil., arm.veh. facing from halt
tech. spot turn operation
повороты на месте
Gruzovik, mil. turnings at the halt
поворот на месте через ногу
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects