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verb | verb | to phrases
повидать vstresses
gen. experience; go through; meet often; see often; see
Gruzovik go through (pf of видать)
fig.of.sp. get to see firsthand (Working in and around New Orleans, I got to see a lot of the destruction firsthand. – повидал немало разрушений ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. visit (pf of видать)
idiom. have been around (I've been around many bad people – Я повидал немало плохих людей Taras)
inf. it seems; visit; have; apparently
повидаться v
gen. see (we have not seen each other for ages – мы давно не виделись; to see much of somebody to see little of somebody – часто бывать в чьём-либо обществе редко бывать в чьём-либо обществе); see (we have not seen each other for ages – мы давно не виделись); visit
Gruzovik, inf. meet (pf of видаться); see one another (pf of видаться)
inf. see one another
: 133 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Military lingo1