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повзрослей vstresses
chat. touch grass (flandern)
rude grow some hair on your nuts (plushkina)
повзрослей! v
inf. get a life! (Займись чем-то серьёзным в жизни! SirReal)
повзрослеть v
gen. put hair up; woman up (Isn't it time to man up, or woman up, or whatever you want to call it, and stop blaming others for your problems? James Lee Burke, Creole Belle Mikhail.Brodsky); man up (Isn't it time to man up, or woman up, or whatever you want to call it, and stop blaming others for your problems? James Lee Burke, Creole Belle Mikhail.Brodsky); grow up; become an adult
Игорь Миг come of age
amer. adult (Халеев)
Gruzovik, inf. grow up (pf of взрослеть); reach womanhood (pf of взрослеть)
inf. mature; reach manhood; to womanhood
повзрослевший prtc.
gen. grown-up ("(...) a whole slew of new Oregonian celebrants who missed diaper duty but are now ready to have a beer and watch the game with a grown-up Junior" (The New Yorker) ART Vancouver); matured (Abysslooker)
context. mature (younenari)
: 10 phrases in 2 subjects