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gen. who hanged himself
gen. lop; put to death; put to the halter; shred; shroud
el. hang-up
obs. shrag; shrood
gen. hang oneself
| за
gen. for
| яйца
geol. egg

verb | verb | to phrases
повесить vstresses
gen. lop (уши); put to death; put to the halter; shred (уши); shroud (уши); hang (NB: в значении "лишить жизни через повешение" предпочтительной формой прошедшего времени традиционно считается "hanged"); suspend; swing; hang up (что-либо на крючок, вешалку, стену: I hung up the American flag behind my desk at work. • I hung up the painting and looked at it. • The sharp shooter hung up his hat on the barrel of his gun.); scrag; sling up (NumiTorum)
el. hang-up (телефонную трубку)
fig. droop (голову); pin (вину, ответственность и т. п.; обыкн. on smbd. or smth. Vadim Rouminsky)
fig., inf. hook (на кого-л; неприятные обязанности); pin up (В.И.Макаров); frame (на кого-либо, напр., обвинение в совершении преступления Tanya Gesse); pin (преступление на кого-либо: A: What's in it for me? B: Two things. One, you don't get a hundred murders pinned on you. Two, maybe I will help you. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. weigh (pf of вешать)
inf. truss up; gibbet (на виселице); swing for it (SergeiAstrashevsky)
obs. shrag (уши); shrood (уши); shrowd (уши)
police.jarg. pin down (убийство и т. п. на кого-либо – on someone: The murder was pinned on the wrong suspect. 4uzhoj)
slang rope; top (на виселице); stretch (на виселице Interex); turn off; lag; park; work off (на виселице)
повеситься v
gen. hang oneself (предпочтительной формой прошедшего времени в этом значении считается "hanged", однако и "hung" употребляется достаточно широко: The decedent, who hanged himself in the closet of his bedroom, was wearing shorts that were initially believed to be inadvertently torn. • With the exception of one staff member who hanged himself while in custody, all others were eventually released. • He hung himself in his cell while awaiting trial. • In 2006, a 16-year old accidentally hung himself while playing a "choking game," which produces a feeling of euphoria or being high. • Michigan court dismisses Section 1983 suit by relatives of prisoner who hung himself while incarcerated in city jail.; традиционно)
inf. go the noose route (Ремедиос_П)
повесившийся prtc.
gen. who hanged himself (soa.iya)
: 233 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Contextual meaning1
Criminal law1
Electrical engineering1
Fairy tales1
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media4
Obsolete / dated2
Quotes and aphorisms1